Mod 2 & 4 DCPC NW


First post here! I hope everyone is keeping well?

I have been lurking for waay too long - so long I had actually registered about three different user profiles in about ten years but forgot the log ins and then the log ins for the e-mails I used to register them with! Dur!

Anyway, some in depth information available which adds substance and some great banter can be found around these neck of the woods. Credit is due for the entertainment value and info available on the industry from this resource, something to treasure.

Judging by the chronic moaners who are dissatisfied and are trying to hold down a ■■■■■ wife and some sort of family life while tramping - I’m guessing there will be some opportunities to get the foot in the truck driving career in the near future with this impending deadline for driver CPC.

I have the bits and bobs on my licence that allows me to drive big things with trailers and the rest. But Long story short I am itching to take my DCPC Initial Test within the next couple months. I am led to believe I will need to take the MOD 2 and 4 to please the shirt and tie brigade In some foreign EU country.

I am located in the North West and was wondering if there were any decent providers of this service out there? Ideally I’d like to take both consecutively, maybe in one day all in while the sun shines. I don’t have access to my own vehicle to carry out the ‘tests’, so I’m not sure what the ‘layout’ is if this is the case!

I hope you have a nice day!

do you have a pre 1997 car licence?


I don’t. However, my licence is from the IoM.

I have seen your posts on this thread (below) which have been incredibly valuable. (Thanks!)


Assuming this info is correct. I will only need MOD 2 & 4 to get up to standard.

The DCQ1 form from the DSA is in the post…

Mod 2 is at a theory test centre and mod 4 at a practical test centre so doing both on the same day is unlikely to happen
I think mod 2 needs to go into the system before mod 4 can be booked in your name so probably at least 3 days from one to the other

Which area of NW are you looking to train and test for mod 4?


Good info regarding time scales, thanks!

I’m reasonably flexible on locations as there isn’t a service provider on my door step.

Lancashire and Cheshire regions would be most convenient.


Good info regarding time scales, thanks!

I’m reasonably flexible on locations as there isn’t a service provider on my door step.

Lancashire and Cheshire regions would be most convenient.

Check out the recommended providers in the link below in my signature for those areas

Strongly recommend

Excellent, thanks for the information!