Mobile phone hands-free kits

I’ve got 20 drivers I look after nowadays :stuck_out_tongue: I wanted to give them a review of hands-free kits, but being a poorly paid driver myself, I can hardly afford to go out and buy a load!

Please could you tell me what you use and its pros/con/approximate costs?

I’ve got a motorola V525 and Jabra bluetooth, which works a treat, but gives me a sore ear if I wear it ALL day and it was farly pricey. Also, I have to set up the connection manually almost every day, as the phone loses the connection if the earpiece is switched off or I put it onto charge.

hi dapper someone on trucknet posted a link to a company called they had a handsfree for 18 nicker and its very good if a bit large

You can’t beat a Nokia 5510 or 6210/6310 and a fitted car kit.

dapper don’t wear it all day,i only put mine on if phone rings,plus i connect mines everyday it save’s the charge draining if it’s left connected/switched on all day.mines was or would have cost 65 quid but got it with the phone.most companies will offer a free headset/bluetooth with a monthly contract.the best thing about it… IT STOPS ME FROM BEING BOOKED BY PC PLODS. :laughing:

I just got a Samsung D500 and it comes with a small plug in speaker which works brilliant. No needs for a car kit.

Also bought a cheap Bluetooth headset off eBay which is OK for when I’m out on the push bike!

This is my first post since joining,hi everyone.
The firm I work for uses one called Mr Handsfree. Just mount the speaker & mic,plug into ciggy lighter & you’re ready. You have to buy a connector separately to fit whatever phone you have.
Some of our drivers say they have to unplug it before starting the engine,otherwise it won’t work,but I’ve never had any problems. Good clear sound from speaker & mic is O.K.
The boss complained they were expensive at around £70 each,but I saw them in the Vodafone shop in Inverness last week at £25. I suppose they are selling them at that price at their other shops)

Welcome to Trucknet Highlander, have fun!

hi dapper someone on trucknet posted a link to a company called they had a handsfree for 18 nicker and its very good if a bit large

That was me.

I don’t wear my bluetooth constantly,preferring to only put it on when needed.This saves soreness on the ear,and yes,I also have to switch it on at the beginning of the day.
