Missing picture

why ? does a picture that was displayed on a topic disappear and a message removed by photobucket appear with no apparent reason and the picture was one that i had taken myself and posted :question: :question: :question: :question: :question:
also can any one let me tell me how to copyright my pics cheers truckspark

If it was removed by photobucket perhaps you should ask them?


i have done just waiting for there reply , but thought it might have been removed by trucknet

If the picture was deleted by the poster in their PB account, then all links to that pic also disapear and it gets left with the message you saw.

which post was it in ?

it was in foto forum title MPG iv,e reposted the pic yesterday and it,s still on just wanted to know want happend or why :question: :question: THANKS FOR REPLY,S CHEERS

If the picture was deleted by the poster in their PB account, then all links to that pic also disapear and it gets left with the message you saw.

As well as what ROG said above, you may also get that message if the image is renamed or moved to another album.

also can any one let me tell me how to copyright my pics cheers truckspark

If you legally took the picture then the copyright is yours, unless you sign it away to someone. If you post it on the net then there is nothing you can do to stop someone copying it if they want to. You can mark them in some way, with your name for example but that is easily remove so doesn’t prevent it.