Missing Flight MH370

Interesting piece, this Guy just about nails some of the back
story to this.
themalaysianinsider.com/side … wan-norman

The only thing they will be looking hard for is someone to blame.
or a way not to get caught and then the plane.

VERY interesting that, mate. Explains a lot about the dithering u-turns/contradictions, and discernable discomfort in their press conferences.


Interesting piece, this Guy just about nails some of the back
story to this.
themalaysianinsider.com/side … wan-norman

The only thing they will be looking hard for is someone to blame.
or a way not to get caught and then the plane.

VERY interesting that, mate. Explains a lot about the dithering u-turns/contradictions, and discernable discomfort in their press conferences.

Glad you found it interesting,I have also been watching the press conferences
and have noticed many changes,no doubt some big bags of cash for PR gurus
will have been spent.Malaysia boleh

Shot down in error with a missile from a ship.
Now a cover up story?
Did anyone read Captain Mark Berry’ s synopsis on his account of what may have happened?

Latest theory is lithium io battery fire in the hold.
Best theory of the lot really,it absolves the passengers and crew,but points the finger at the Malay gov.

This piece reveals a little bit of Hishammuddin Hussein’s views on
the Chinese.

weehingthong.wordpress.com/2013/ … sequences/

Just for info in the group photo the man on Hishs righthand side,
The little fat guy with glasses is Ibrahim Ali who is the leader of
Rightwing Malay rights group Perkasa…a bit like the edl only
served with Government support and rice.

Mr Ali is one odious toad.

This piece reveals a little bit of Hishammuddin Hussein’s views on
the Chinese.

weehingthong.wordpress.com/2013/ … sequences/

Just for info in the group photo the man on Hishs righthand side,
The little fat guy with glasses is Ibrahim Ali who is the leader of
Rightwing Malay rights group Perkasa…a bit like the edl only
served with Government support and rice.

Mr Ali is one odious toad.

To be fair China isn’t exactly a shining example in having the moral high ground.More like a country that we need to keep well away from and left alone unless/until they bother us.Just like Russia.

Human rights in China,nah,in your dreams.
The film with Richard Gere,how he got framed for murder.

This was a good read from the point of view that the Malaysian
government needs a good whacking in the international press.

usatoday.com/story/opinion/2 … n/6797203/

What gets me is, all this crowd studied in Britain with pockets full
of cash…No never mind what possible protection would that provide,
silly me.

Flight ended in south Indian ocean.No survivors says Najib.

Well while there is a chance that they could find anything
from a drunk clinging to wreckage with an empty drinks trolly.
Or a super criminal or even the next big whatever.

It aint over till the fat lady sings.

This is a good piece about the pilot and while you could expect
police to take his life apart,the spectre of scapegoat looms.

weehingthong.wordpress.com/2014/ … hmad-shah/