Missing Flight MH370

I have often thought that this 60 year old fiefdom is ripe for change
and it just so happens that Israel has no diplomatic ties with Malaysia.

Malaysia wants nuclear power and the US has been pushing Malaysia
to starve the Iranians of fuel and support.

My hope is that Malaysia Boleh, which means Malaysia can…in a
anything is possible way.Untill then its schrodingers cat or whatever his name is.

It was Erwin Schrödinger

It was Erwin Schrödinger

I was close enough,it would have got me the speedboat on Bullseye.


It was Erwin Schrödinger

I was close enough,it would have got me the speedboat on Bullseye.

Lol or the Metro

There was a bloke on Vine yesterday saying that the engines are in constant touch with Rolls Royce in Derby. Now they know where the plane was at the last transponder signal, so how much time had elapsed between then and the last engine update?

They know roughly which direction it was headed, and at what speed, so although it won’t give an exact location it would narrow it down. Even if the plane turned west as in some reports, the time of the radar blip will be recorded so together with the engine updates it could be worked out from there.

But then what do I know? I’m sure people far better paid than me have already thought of this. It would be nice to be told mind.

Rolls Royce have been strangely silent though. Were the engines running as normal when communication stopped? Was there any change in revs or power which would indicate a pilot trying his damnedest to save the plane, or a nose dive straight into the drink? Bound to be something which would give a clue. Even if it doesn’t give answers it may eliminate some theories.

Tell you what was spooky though, did anyone hear that report which said some of the relatives had been phoning those who were on the plane and the phones at the other end were ringing?!? Now I thought when a phone was off, people who were ringing either went straight to voice mail or got nothing at all?

Watching the Malaysian BN government getting shown up
on the international stage is really getting to my friends.

They have had nearly 60 years of these clowns.
but dont worry if there is a bit of regime change
the only refugees will be living in their houses in
Knightsbridge and Mayfair.

Just the right type of economic migrant. :sunglasses:

There was a bloke on Vine yesterday saying that the engines are in constant touch with Rolls Royce in Derby. Now they know where the plane was at the last transponder signal, so how much time had elapsed between then and the last engine update?

They know roughly which direction it was headed, and at what speed, so although it won’t give an exact location it would narrow it down. Even if the plane turned west as in some reports, the time of the radar blip will be recorded so together with the engine updates it could be worked out from there.

But then what do I know? I’m sure people far better paid than me have already thought of this. It would be nice to be told mind.

Rolls Royce have been strangely silent though. Were the engines running as normal when communication stopped? Was there any change in revs or power which would indicate a pilot trying his damnedest to save the plane, or a nose dive straight into the drink? Bound to be something which would give a clue. Even if it doesn’t give answers it may eliminate some theories.

Tell you what was spooky though, did anyone hear that report which said some of the relatives had been phoning those who were on the plane and the phones at the other end were ringing?!? Now I thought when a phone was off, people who were ringing either went straight to voice mail or got nothing at all?

you mean this

"Due to the heavy fog the vehicle hit the kerb on a roundabout and turned over.

"Thankfully the driver was not injured and no other vehicle was involved. We apologise to anyone delayed by the incident.”

Read more: cornishguardian.co.uk/PICTUR … z2vwkBui5D


Some stuff

you mean this

"Due to the heavy fog the vehicle hit the kerb on a roundabout and turned over.

"Thankfully the driver was not injured and no other vehicle was involved. We apologise to anyone delayed by the incident.”

Read more: cornishguardian.co.uk/PICTUR … z2vwkBui5D

Not sure I see where you’re going there. Are you saying the pilot hit a kerb? :stuck_out_tongue:

Or even entered another dimension, hence the Cornish reference?

I did hear that the authorities found some wings, but Mr. and Mrs. Wing said they had no idea where the plane was either

Somebody in the Fleece told me he’d seen it in a hanger at Southend Airport. “Green, white and red by now” he said…

Just my tuppence worth to add to this;In the 911 attack,the hijackers were trained pilots and knew how to turn off the transponder that locates the aircraft’s position to ATC.
I am not sure about the engine’s transponder.
It may seem extreme,but could it be in Korea,Russia or China.?

While flying over airspace corridors or roads in the sky,you contact ATC when you depart a sector,then advised who to contact when entering the next sector on the flight path.
In between these sectors,there are windows of oppurtunities to change course without being noticed and a competant person with experience and knowledge to turn off the transponder.
The Malaysian Prime Minister has said it could have gone far North as Kasaskhstan or Turkmenistan and flown longer than first reported.
The passengers phones still on?Has it landed safely?
Will these countries hand over sensitive radar information?
Are the pilots involved,they are searching their homes now?
Two satelite signals picked up a signal to confirm where it was heading,Northwest over India.

While flying over airspace corridors or roads in the sky,you contact ATC when you depart a sector,then advised who to contact when entering the next sector on the flight path.
In between these sectors,there are windows of oppurtunities to change course without being noticed and a competant person with experience and knowledge to turn off the transponder.
The Malaysian Prime Minister has said it could have gone far North as Kasaskhstan or Turkmenistan and flown longer than first reported.
The passengers phones still on?Has it landed safely?
Will these countries hand over sensitive radar information?
Are the pilots involved,they are searching their homes now?
Two satelite signals picked up a signal to confirm where it was heading,Northwest over India.

Good post,no jumping to conclusions.Just gotta wait. :sunglasses:

Thanks Harry.If it was malicious,why wait seven and half hours to do anything to the aircraft?
Moments after take off would be the time to do something?
If it was for financial gain,contact would have been made by now for money transfer orders.
Did the pilot have an episode of mental breakdown or suicidal?
Siberia is a huge un-populated land mass,the only living thing to see a plane coming down would be a moose.?
I think they will never find it,no closure for the families.

Does this help with your Kazahkstan theory Tobes.

freemalaysiatoday.com/catego … -a-conman/

Maybe they have checked the passenger manifest.

Witch doctors, Bomohs Shaman and Uri Geller are looking for MH370.

This guy seems to have the answer.

Fantasy Island.That brings back memories of childhood.
How does it work with the insurance claim ?
If they can not find it,how can they pay out?
One news source it may have ran out of fuel and crashed in to the sea,but the pilot would have time to send a Mayday and location.
Mayday comes from the French word M’aidez or help me.
Is it possible to land on long runway in a milatary air base but no sightings of this ?

A UK national newspaper ran a story about two young blonde ladies who were invited in to the cockpit while being spotted by the captain,as they were checking in for a Malaysian Air flight by the same captain of the missing aircraft at the moment.
It was “alledged” and not proven, the ladies said the pilots were smoking on the flight and had their backs turned facing away from the instruments and controls to flirt and chat to the girls.
There is nothing wrong with not watching the front panels as auto pilot would have been engaged and anti collision warning alarms set.
Milatary crews black out the windscreen on long flights as staring out in to nothing is not good for mental health.
Crews will play computer games,wear eye patches,ear plugs and get some sleep.
RAF Brize Norton to Ascencion Islands/Falklands would be an example of a very long flight.I am not sure of the agenda of the paper and the smoking pilots.Up to them,if they want a crafty ■■■.Two blondes “up front”.Maybe some showing off going on.?

Malaya is clutching at straws. Blacking the pilots rep without proof is a mark of desperation. I thought that was the prerogative of the haulage industry?

(Malaysian Air Search and Rescue service.

About as useful as Bob Crow’s pension) :blush:

(( All this time and money spent looking for the Malaysian Plane,

They could’ve just bought a new one)) :blush: :blush:

I think it was SPECTRE. (Not Phil, the bald guy with the white cat).