Missing analogue tachos

what would happen if you lost analogue tachos and your company needed them either if you lost them or the company did?

i had a situation where i was leaving a job, they claimed they hadnt recieved all my tachos in so held my wages, i was adament i had given them all in, they said they needed to check with im guessing vosa to find out what would need to be done and if anything would happen in terms of fines etc. it turns out after me being on there case that they had recieved them all and had filed them in the wrong drawer but if they had contacted vosa and said i hadnt handed them all in, what would the likely outcome have been? at first it was for 8 days.

I suppose the worst case scenario would be a fine for “failing to keep records” although IIRC this is a far lesser offence than falsifying.

As long as youve sorted it and got your wages owed I wouldnt worry about it. Tacho records only have to be kept for 12 months so after that time you’d be in the clear anyways.
I doubt the company would be contacting VOSA, bit like asking Gary Glitter to run a nursery :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

I had a situation last month when I had my bag stolen out of the cab in London with all my tachos in.
I had to give the office the crime number and make out manual copies of them all… they photocopy them after a week so I had most of them but it was a drag.

Watching the CCTV of the toe rag nicking my stuff was worse though :imp:

I had a situation last month when I had my bag stolen out of the cab in London with all my tachos in.
I had to give the office the crime number and make out manual copies of them all… they photocopy them after a week so I had most of them but it was a drag.

Watching the CCTV of the toe rag nicking my stuff was worse though :imp:

How did you make manual copies, its not like you be able to remember how much driving you’ve doe etc?


I had a situation last month when I had my bag stolen out of the cab in London with all my tachos in.
I had to give the office the crime number and make out manual copies of them all… they photocopy them after a week so I had most of them but it was a drag.

Watching the CCTV of the toe rag nicking my stuff was worse though :imp:

How did you make manual copies, its not like you be able to remember how much driving you’ve doe etc?

I also had my tacho nicked when my bag was taken from from my truck a few years ago, I had to do manual copies for our TM, used my time sheets as a guide for my hours

How did you make manual copies, its not like you be able to remember how much driving you’ve doe etc?

Same, I had to use time sheets, and the photocopies we take at the end of the week, Am I under oath and do I need a lawyer? :open_mouth:

This just proves that when you hand analogue tachos in, you must get a receipt from whoever you hand them in to.

Also if they’re stolen, get a police crime report.

I used to take a photocopy of the tacho’s prior to handing them in, then when handing them over would write time date and who took them from me.

with the digi card no issues anymore.

schrodingers cat:
This just proves that when you hand analogue tachos in, you must get a receipt from whoever you hand them in to.

Also if they’re stolen, get a police crime report.

Fair enough if they are stolen, but a receipt for handing them to the operator■■?

Your job is to retain your current card & other cards for 28 calendar days, You must return them within 42 days of using them.

the operators job is to retain them for 12 months or 24 months if recording RTD. That is it, all you need to worry about. If a company doesn’t get those cards after 42 days, they are not doing what they promised when they applied for an operators licence.

i had a situation where i was leaving a job, they claimed they hadnt recieved all my tachos in so held my wages

Breaking the law. They cannot withold wages or make deductions without your agreement or an attachment of earnings order.


i had a situation where i was leaving a job, they claimed they hadnt recieved all my tachos in so held my wages

Breaking the law. They cannot withold wages or make deductions without your agreement or an attachment of earnings order.

most emplyers will put something along those lines into employment contract or t&c’s so you’ve already signed an agreement

Wheel Nut:

schrodingers cat:
This just proves that when you hand analogue tachos in, you must get a receipt from whoever you hand them in to.

Also if they’re stolen, get a police crime report.

Fair enough if they are stolen, but a receipt for handing them to the operator■■?

Your job is to retain your current card & other cards for 28 calendar days, You must return them within 42 days of using them.

the operators job is to retain them for 12 months or 24 months if recording RTD. That is it, all you need to worry about. If a company doesn’t get those cards after 42 days, they are not doing what they promised when they applied for an operators licence.

Maybe I’m just getting too used to covering my arse. :wink: