Mio truck sat nav

Hi all, just wondering if anyone has one of these sat navs and whether they’re any good-

satnavcompany.com/mio-combo- … ravan.html

Unit has a built in dash cam recorder, includes free lifetime map updates and also is quite competitively priced in comparison to the likes of Snooper and Tom Tom etc.


I have the tomtom 5150, started using it last week, good unit n only one minor error, ended up going into a housing estate, my fault really, overall a very good unit. The lad I was with has a nav man, they are good unit also, no trouble with that one either

I have one, but dont use it a lot now cos the boss installed a different system, but could not find fault with it in the uk or on the continent.

I have the tomtom 5150, started using it last week, good unit n only one minor error, ended up going into a housing estate, my fault really, overall a very good unit. The lad I was with has a nav man, they are good unit also, no trouble with that one either

How the hell is that any use whatsoever in response to the OP’s question?
:smiley: :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth: