"mind yer truck for you mate..!"

I thought this had died out :question:

I remember back in the 60s that it started in Glasgow. There was a bomb site lorry park near the town centre and some good digs nearby. When you parked a small kid (under 7 so’s they couldnt be arrested) would appear with a cheery “Watch your lorry mister?”. Two bob (10p) was the going rate and I once saw an artic driver who didn’t pay looking sadly at his 18 flat tyres.

The cops stopped it by rounding the kids up, taking them to a police station on the other side of town, and making their parents collect them. :slight_smile: :slight_smile:

I came accross the same thing in Hull and Manchester - we weren’t allowed to park in Liverpool.

I remeber the myth of the man who parked his car some young lad pops up mind your car mister the man says whos going to mess with my car with that alsation in it and the lad says can that dog put out fires mister.

You would never sleep sounder or safer than in the Eastern Bloc, pay the guardian a couple of Deutsch Marks and he would walk around the truck all night with a nasty hormone induced German Shepherd or Rotti :stuck_out_tongue: Oh and a baseball bat :stuck_out_tongue:

we weren’t allowed to park in Liverpool.

your still not safe in there now.

kids in liverpool used to look after cars in pub car parks to.
if you did,nt pay some would get a bit of dog poop on a stick and put it under your car door handles :stuck_out_tongue:

Wee guys still do that but its at the fitbaw, they don’t even look after it they just bugger off when the game starts, robbing wee bassa’s :smiley: