
R u euro boys payed by the mile just curious as I would like a go but if the rates are crap like here then it’s not worth it or is it
Cheers Dean

some companies pay by the km i use to get paid 7p a km, plus 70km for tipping or reloading plus 1 or 2 other bits, which is ok if doing plenty of driving and getting the km’s, but when no work = no money ! :cry: hence i no longer work there !

do you mean the drivers or the bosses?
my boss gets paid by the km but that system for drivers has gone now in spain as it encourages bent running, more km’s more money :wink: :wink:
the big fridge companies have starting paying salaries but then considering some of their drivers are on 1200 a month or less :open_mouth: :open_mouth: its not hard for them