mileage pay

That’s all true, but under the terms of an LMO you must leave Canada upon termination of employment, so to comply with the law, make sure you get a new LMO before you jack the first company, as not only will you be an illegal alien, if anything goes wrong with the new LMO you’ll be out of work.

I suppose you have to pay for LMO and how many times could you change jobs before you got permanent residency…

That’s all true, but under the terms of an LMO you must leave Canada upon termination of employment, so to comply with the law, make sure you get a new LMO before you jack the first company, as not only will you be an illegal alien, if anything goes wrong with the new LMO you’ll be out of work.

I thought you where entitled to stay until your TWP expired, all be it not working until a new TWP was issued on another LMO?

I suppose you have to pay for LMO and how many times could you change jobs before you got permanent residency…

No payment for LMOs . AFAIK there isn’t a limit to the number of jobs before PR is granted , however every time you start a new job you will have to start the residency application from scratch so sooner rather than later you have stay with one company for a decent length of time ,18/24 months .All this time you’ll be considered a guest in the Country and can be deported at very short notice should you step out of line .

An LMO only entitles you to a Temporary Work Permit.

Under the conditions of that TWP you can only stay in Canada while you are working for the company specified on the work permit.

You have no status other than that. Once you finish that employment or the permit runs out you leave Canada. It is illegal to seek employment as a visitor, so to remain within the law you need another job offer whilst still on a TWP.

An LMO only entitles you to a Temporary Work Permit.

Under the conditions of that TWP you can only stay in Canada while you are working for the company specified on the work permit.

You have no status other than that. Once you finish that employment or the permit runs out you leave Canada. It is illegal to seek employment as a visitor, so to remain within the law you need another job offer whilst still on a TWP.

I was under the impression the TWP stipulated you could only work for that employer while on that permit. So lets say you finish with square shirt lumpers on Friday and start with new employment after 9 days for another company you did not have exit and re enter the country. It would also mean that all the people leaving the well known red company would be removed from the country the same day their employment ended surely? those that did not move to another company lets say.

In short i dont think you get expelled the moment you stop employment you are still able to stay within the country on the TWP the TWP stating your exit by date but you cannot work for another company without the LMO-TWP

The SOWP continues for the period of the initial TWP too. So if your TWP was for 2 years regardless of working there or not your SO could still work until that ended.

Look it is simple. To comply with the law, you get a new LMO before you quit the old job, you take the LMO to the border, go around the flagpole (leave and re-enter Canada) and surrender TWP number one, then get issued with TWP number two.

You can leave the first job, but you are only entitled to be in Canada as you have a TWP, you have no status anymore, now that you no longer work for the company specified on the TWP.

Plenty of people do it differently, but that is the correct method. If you wish to gamble on your future by taking a chance, go for it, it’s your life after all.

I know a few people in New Brunswick who have been refused PNP in the past year or so because they’ve chopped and changed jobs and were told to reapply again in another 12 months from the date of refusal, providing they are still with the same company. Back then it used to be a 6 month period of employment in the same job before you could apply, now it is 12 months but those refused did meet those minimum requirements but because they’ve had 4 of 5 crap jobs in two years lets say, the PNP office deemed it to show a lack of commitment. Quite a joke really as nothing ever gets said about the chronic abuse of immigrant drivers, and dim wit locals for that matter who work for these wonderful cowboy firms.

So, Taffy, also had to leave Canada when leaving the well known red company?
He didn’t mention it al all as far as I remember from reading his posts.
Things might be different depending on state/province.
Now , how about healthcare? is the system more similar to the UK’s NHS or to private healthcare in the US of A?

You have to leave Canada even to renew a TWP if your old one expires before you achieve PR.

It’s a simple process, called going around the Flagpole. Basically you go to the border, enter the US, they give you a piece of paper saying that they’re sending you back to Canada and you go back to Canada and report to Immigration.

I’ve renewed a TWP on returning to Canada from a trip to the USA, you have to have just arrived in the country in order for a new permit to be issued.

AFAIK this is a special dispensation that only applies to TWPs where the job involves leaving the country, as in a cross border long haul driving position. All other TWPs have to be dealt with at Vegreville AB. They also allow Spousal TWPs to be renewed at the border, as the two permits are linked.

Wouldn’t it be better for Taffy to stick it out with the red co?
He was there for at least a year, if I’m not mistaken, so another year and he would be having his PR. Even if the money wasn’t so good.

Wouldn’t it be better for Taffy to stick it out with the red co?
He was there for at least a year, if I’m not mistaken, so another year and he would be having his PR. Even if the money wasn’t so good.

Ever been in a foreign country with a job that doesn’t allow you to pay the bills?

is it the norm then for large companies to starve new recruits of miles after a period of time. ie. all trucking immigrants into Canada… or would you be ok in a job such as gained by robinhood /flysheet/ Newmercman etc…

Wouldn’t it be better for Taffy to stick it out with the red co?
He was there for at least a year, if I’m not mistaken, so another year and he would be having his PR. Even if the money wasn’t so good.

From what Taffy posted on here he hadn"t applied for PR so a year would be optimistic especially in AB .

is it the norm then for large companies to starve new recruits of miles after a period of time. ie. all trucking immigrants into Canada… or would you be ok in a job such as gained by robinhood /flysheet/ Newmercman etc…

No, not really, the ones that have to recruit from overseas are not representative of the job market here overall.

What about healthcare, is the system similar to NHS in the UK, where you don’t have to pay for treatments, seeing your GP, etc , or is it private as it is in the US?

NHS type system in Canada. You need insurance if you go to the USA though and that’s around $150 a month, but depending on the plan, it gets you free prescriptions and other bits, like chiropractic treatment in Canada.

Hope , you guys do not mind if I come from time to time and ask a question regarding a possible move across the pond to Canada.
so, here is one:
Do you need to have tramping (UK) experience or international, European continent driving (also tramping I guess) to be considered as a suitable candidate for a Canadian company?


No is the simple answer.

However the ones that do better out here have all had experience of being away all week or longer. :wink:

No is the simple answer.

However the ones that do better out here have all had experience of being away all week or longer. :wink:

I agree completely. If you have done some tramping on the continent it is basicly a case of “same ■■■■, different name on the door” when you start to work here, unless you start working for h&r and such as there is nothing, except maybe a taliban pow camp, that can prepare you to work there. :laughing: