middle east

Ron Hennessy had a couple of tanks based in a yard I worked from in Yorkshire, all the Volvos had a pair of flashing orange lights on the roof and the tanks were mainly 3 pots. 2 for the customer one for the driver :stuck_out_tongue:

Met an interesting bloke last night, ex middle east, ex Simons International, Grangewood and many other places. we were swapping stories about different people we had met over the years.

Does anyone remember Ken Ward?

Dow freight…was a gtreat company …was owned by Roger and John dowset…and when it went ■■■■ up …started a new firm called R & J…and still going today …although using mainly subbies to pull their trailers…remember Big T…tony who worked for them …and then worked with me on lawrabian freight …sadly got killed on the M1 when he ran in to the back of a moving trailer he was on his way to the yard to ship out to turkey…sadly missed…a great character…

Where are R&J based then ? Dont think Ive seen them, what do they do ? general haulage ?


Dow freight…was a gtreat company …was owned by Roger and John dowset…and when it went ■■■■ up …started a new firm called R & J…and still going today …although using mainly subbies to pull their trailers…remember Big T…tony who worked for them …and then worked with me on lawrabian freight …sadly got killed on the M1 when he ran in to the back of a moving trailer he was on his way to the yard to ship out to turkey…sadly missed…a great character…

Where are R&J based then ? Dont think Ive seen them, what do they do ? general haulage ?

DOW Freight were in Stockport, I think R & J carried on from the same premises although not as an MAN agent :stuck_out_tongue:

I remember a LDD in truck magazine featuring R&J running to somewhere in the eastern block using an SK merc and 113/143 scania. If I remember the scania driver broke his ankle at some piont in the trip and the truck was driven back by the journo.

It was a two part story and featured somewhen around 95-98ish.

They had blue tilts with R&J on the back and sides in a yellowish orange and used to to be a fairly common sight in france a few years back.

I haven’t seen one around for a few years but then I don’t often get north of london these days and going over the water for me is the QE2 bridge at dartford.

Coincidently I have noticed a few scania topline units running around the M25 with R&J european on them and did wonder if it might be a reincarnation of the old R&J but they have a dartford area phone no. on them. and area always pulling other peoples trailers.


When R & J started up again…they were based around northampton area…i think…although as malc has pointed out they were a stockport based outfit…anyway …they only had trailers and used subbies to do all the work for them…but this new R & J…could be the ones talked about previously and are in fact nothing to do with the original Roger and John…

Do any of you M/E vets remember a guy called Eddie Nixon? I used to see him alot when i was on for Bird’s. He was apparently a very well known figure running with his partner in crime Dave Charlton.

I am (was) trying to get him to write a book of his stories, he always has a tale or two and they are always make me laugh.

Do any of you M/E vets remember a guy called Eddie Nixon? I used to see him alot when i was on for Bird’s. He was apparently a very well known figure running with his partner in crime Dave Charlton.

I am (was) trying to get him to write a book of his stories, he always has a tale or two and they are always make me laugh.

yes i rember eddie nixon had some good times with him last time i saw eddie was in hungary he bought a ex o h s 6 wheel volvo as a o/d if you woked for birds get in touch with depression (ronnie slater )

all best egg on legs :question: :smiling_imp:


RJ International in Hazel Grove are indeed the Roger and John of Dowfreight fame, although Roger retired recently

By coincidence the driver mentioned who broke his ankle now works for me, and the partner in crime of Eddie Nixon USED to do - small world eh :exclamation:

David Miller:
The deaf and dumb kid is right enough. He worked for an agent on the Jordan side of the Syria / Jordan border and was a brilliant little kid. I wonder what he is doing now - probably owns that place!

the deaf & dumb kid is still there but a man now best agent on the border gets your papers sorted can be a pain tryin to rush you about when al you wanna do is ave a rest after the nightmare of the syrian convoye but stil a great bloke. ive got his busines card & it got s a phone number?

I haven’t seen Depression in over 20 years.Used to meet him regular on the
M/E run,usually with his mate Kermit.

Depression is stil going strong (he’s my old man)

He worked for Bird’s on and off in between various M/E companies. He has now parted company with Bird’s for the last time - currently working for T Baker running to and from Felixstowe.

He’s not online unfortunately but he’s be chuffed if any more of his old M/E mates are on here

You can tell him that Kenny Bowket ( egg on legs ) died last year.

Hello Harry,

He knew Kenny well from the M/E days. I passed on the message.

Dave s:
Depression is stil going strong (he’s my old man)

He worked for Bird’s on and off in between various M/E companies. He has now parted company with Bird’s for the last time - currently working for T Baker running to and from Felixstowe.

He’s not online unfortunately but he’s be chuffed if any more of his old M/E mates are on here

Give my regards to your old dad will you?He probably wont remember me,I worked for Brit European,Chapman and Ball and Expo Freight at the time we were running to the M/E,and he and Kermit were a pair of memorable characters.
Depression and Kermit were quite a double act,like the Terrible Twins.

Hi Ian,

He does remember you, he reeled off a load of names, including yours, that may have been on here.

If I can track down any pictures I’ll put post them.

I can imagine what the pair of them must have been like. It was just as bad at CVH with Puddin!

truckyboy wrote:
Dow freight…was a gtreat company …was owned by Roger and John dowset…and when it went ■■■■ up …started a new firm called R & J…and still going today …although using mainly subbies to pull their trailers…remember Big T…tony who worked for them …and then worked with me on lawrabian freight …sadly got killed on the M1 when he ran in to the back of a moving trailer he was on his way to the yard to ship out to turkey…sadly missed…a great character…

Sad to hear about big tony truckboy he was a charactor i met him a couple of times, i seem to remember he married a girl was she turkish or rumo and was having problems with immigration in the uk.
Found a picture of big tonys truck in rumo.

I have a pic somewhere of the depression and kermit i think it was in the national hotel in Belgrade, im looking for it

Dave s:
Depression is stil going strong (he’s my old man)

He worked for Bird’s on and off in between various M/E companies. He has now parted company with Bird’s for the last time - currently working for T Baker running to and from Felixstowe.

He’s not online unfortunately but he’s be chuffed if any more of his old M/E mates are on here

Met up with Ron on a couple of occasions, great lad to run with.

Thanks Mushroomman, who did you drive for? He may remember you.

Dave s:
Thanks Mushroomman, who did you drive for? He may remember you.

Dave, HOPEFULLY :unamused: you have one message and two pictures :unamused: in your private mail box. Please let me know it they turn out. :slight_smile:
Regards Steve.