Middle-east runner from holland

I’ll second that NM :unamused: Perhaps Oldtimer Trucker is the ONLY one that ‘Trawls’ the Net :open_mouth: :astonished: :wink:

Trawling throgh the web i came across these Dutch Middle-East trucks. (10)

Mercedes Benz 1928 - S.B.S./ Nedlloyd Road Cargo - Amsterdam

Mercedes Benz 1928 - S.B.S./ Nedlloyd Road Cargo - Amsterdam

Mercedes Benz 1928 - S.B.S./ Nedlloyd Road Cargo - Amsterdam

FIAT - S.B.S./ Nedlloyd Road Cargo - Amsterdam

DAF 2600 DO - S.B.S./ Nedlloyd Road Cargo - Amsterdam

DAF 2600 DO - S.B.S./ Nedlloyd Road Cargo - Amsterdam

DAF 2800 - S.B.S./ Nedlloyd Road Cargo - Amsterdam

Mercedes Benz 1928 - S.B.S./ Nedlloyd Road Cargo - Amsterdam



Londra Camping - Istanbul

Mercedes Benz 1928 - S.B.S./ Nedlloyd Road Cargo - Amsterdam

DAF 2800

DAF 2800

Salut, Oldtimer Trucker

That’s better, more please, but NOT from Toprun :laughing:

Trawling throgh the web i came across these Dutch Middle-East trucks. (11)

Mercedes Benz 1928 - Damco- van Swieten/ Nedlloyd Road Cargo - Amsterdam

M.A.N. diesel - B.V. Transbosporus -

DAF 2800 - Transportbedrijf Stolk B.V. -

Volvo F89 - Transportbedrijf Stolk B.V.

Volvo F89 Transportbedijf Stolk B.V. left: DAF 2800 - Centrum B.V. - Valkenswaard

DAF 2800 - Centrum B.V. - Valkenswaard

Scania 140 - Centrum B.V. - Valkenswaard, MAN diesel - Centrum B.V.

Wreck Scania 110 Super - R.W. Vosskuil B.V. - Huissen

Wreck Scania 110 Super - R.W. Vosskuil B.V. - Huissen

Wreck Scania 110 Super - R.W. Vosskuil B.V. - Huissen

Salut, Oldtimer Trucker

Trawling throgh the web i came across these Dutch Middle-East trucks. (12)

Scania 110

Scania 110

Scania 110

Scania 110


Salut, Oldtimer Trucker

Trawling throgh the web i came across these Dutch Middle-East trucks. (13)

Scania 111 and Scania 140 - Richard Kempers B.V.

On the way

Scania 111 and Scania 140

Diner time

Salut, Oldtimer Trucker

ive got a dvd of rynart going to karchi with 3 fiats its bassically a dutch version of destination doha

i thought that the rynart movie was an promo made by fiat trucks■■?

does anyone knows a driver from scotland by the name “henry” , he used to work for the I.T.S company , after the firm went bankrupt he went back to scotland

Now I know you’re the expert on Scanias, can you tell me the difference between a 111 with 275hp & a 111 with 305hp, it was too early for intercooling so what was it :question: Apart from 30hp of course :laughing:

As far as I know,and this was told to me by a mechanic at Scantruck Stowmarket,the 275hp was mainly for the UK and the 305hp was European spec.

Goodways in Felixstowe had a 305hp 111 which,although RHD,was a Dutch spec unit with an air suspended cab and a luxury interior.John Dale drove it in the early 80’s,though I can’t remember the registration number.

So who were the “top boys” on the m/e runs then ? Brits, Dutch or Swiss ?

So who were the “top boys” on the m/e runs then ? Brits, Dutch or Swiss ?

I.M.H.O. most of them.

The Dutch had a lot of Turkish drivers working for them, companies like Stolk and Centrum had about 75% foreign drivers a couple of them being British.
Wille Betz a German company, had I.I.R.C. mainly Turkish and Bulgarian guest arbieters ( workers ), I never met a German driving for them.
FinnWheels from Finland were a great bunch of guys and were always the winners when it came to a drinking competition.
Which ever Western European country they came from they would usually stop and lend a hand if they saw you broken down at the side of the road. :wink:


great site with great pics of the rynart company

Gert, I ran with a english lad, he was ginger hair, tall, and skinny, he spoke very good dutch, and worked for a small dutch firm, but that was over 34 years ago, I even went to denizli in Turkey with a dutch chap who worked for Pickford Holland, but lost contact, hope you find what you are looking for. Sandman Norman

i found this pic on the toprun site :blush: , the trailer in the middle is an ITS trailer , based in holland

i still hope that there is any one who knows some ex ITS drivers of has a few pics in their collection…


great site with great pics of the rynart company

Hi whm

The photos of the rynart 1 on the index bring back many happy memories i have thank you for posting the link :smiley: :smiley:

Wasn’t it Stolk that had a portakabin office at Scratchwood services at the bottom of the M1.
I know there used to be a few of their trucks parked up there back in the early 80’s.

Oldtimer Trucker:

Salut, Oldtimer Trucker.

I always wondered what a Dutch Cap was.
Now I know :wink: :wink: :wink: :wink: :unamused: :unamused: :unamused: