Do any of you Dutch drivers who surf TruckNet remember Steef Slappendel? I think he came from Appeldorn or somewhere up near the border there. He did Middle-East around 1977 with an ERF NGC 420 ‘European’ registered 12-97-FB. I never met Steef but I am interested in finding pictures of his truck for a forthcoming book. Robert
wmh: site with great pics of the rynart company
Hi! Great link that! Thanks
Want to thank all the Uk truckers from those day, there where always there to help.
Want to thank all the Uk truckers from those day, there where always there to help.
When I ‘bumped’ this thread up a while ago, it was like a fruit tree heavily laden with fantastic photos of the Middle-East run. Now, there isn’t a single picture left on it, rendering it yet another useless dead thread on here.
Want to thank all the Uk truckers from those day, there where always there to help.When I ‘bumped’ this thread up a while ago, it was like a fruit tree heavily laden with fantastic photos of the Middle-East run. Now, there isn’t a single picture left on it, rendering it yet another useless dead thread on here.
The solution is for TNUK to automatically store all photos locally, so remote hosting sites do not have the power to obliterate them. Hard drives are cheap nowadays. Until such a system is in place, users should copy phots they like to their own hard drives. Then, if one is “lost”, it can be “found” again.
I copy my photos to my laptop and then I transfer them to a stick. So they are stored in 3 places. Bit over the top but unless something drastic happens, like the house burning down, I should’nt lose them.
i`m looking for pics or other info about the following company:
the firm was called I.T.S , that stands for International Transport Service and was based in gieten , holland , they used to run a couple of scania 110 & 111 , a few daf 2800 & 3300 and 3 man F8 tractors , wich they bought second hand from the nijdam transport company , also an ex mid-east runner from holland
the firm passed away in the late 80s , and some ex drivers told me that I.T.S also had a couple op english drivers on his payroll , maybe does anyone knows an ex driver or maybe does anyone has some photo
s from the company
ps. sorry for my poor english
scania 110 from 74 in the I.T.S colours
the last truck I.T.S bought , an 3300 , driving for cartex international
Hi Gert and welcome to Trucknet.
At last you have made the connection
Enjoy the site!
sorry i cant be any help, but i love that daf picture!
Hi Gert,
Sorry, it’s a bad photo only from the trailer. I make it in 1978 on the Brenner pas on my way from lake Garda to Groningen.
Salut, Bert
thanks bert , the trailer is from the period before the firm moved to gieten , they were first based in peize , near groningen
Trawling throgh the web i came across these Dutch Middle-East trucks.
Salut, Oldtimer Trucker.
Lets see, An F86 or a Berliet…choices…choices
Lets see, An F86 or a Berliet…choices…choices
Yeah,I’d have gone for the Volvo too
It’s a Berliet. See the next photo’s.
Berliet V8.
Salut, Oldtimer Trucker.
We knew it was a Berliet Oldtimer, I was being sarcastic about having to chose between a Berliet or an F86 on Middle east work. They have my respect for running down there with such equipment…especially the Volvo F86.
And where’s my manners…thank you for posting those great pics Oldtimer.
this 6x4 was later blue wit a gold colour ribbon , and they used to run for richard kempers - den bosch
i think that this is the ex van doorn from hurwenen tractor , BG-18-LL , it was for sale in the mid 80s , or maybe this was the first owner , that
s also possible
the same truck as the pic above , only now the pegaso 2080 with a non-tild cab is brandnew , pegaso was introduced in holland in 1974 , and was because of the low price very popular in the mid 70`s
photographer unknown , pic found on the internet
Trawling throgh the web i came across these Dutch Middle-East trucks. (2)
Photos: Ronald van der Meer, Netherlands
Scania 110 Super - Maters Expeditie B.V. - Angeren
Scania 111 - Maters Expeditie B.V. - Angeren. Sub contractor Altrex B.V.- Bergschenhoek
Scania 111 - Maters Expeditie B.V. - Angeren
Scania 110 Super - Maters Expeditie B.V - Angeren
Mack - Altrex B.V. - Bergschenhoek
Scania 110 Super - R.W. Voskuil- Huissen. Sub contrator Altrex B.V.- Bergschenhoek
Scania 110 Super - R.W. Voskuil - Huissen
Scania 110 Super - R.W. Voskuil - Huissen
Scania 110 Super - R.W. Voskuill - Huissen
Scania 110 Super - R.W. Voskuil - Huissen
Salut, Oldtimer Trucker