Microsoft vista

has anyone used microsoft vista for watching and recording tv?. if so how well does it work? jst waiting on usb dvb-t stick to come through then going to try it out.

Just hijacking the Vista heading.

My home PC is due for retirement as its a well worn out 98.

I have XP on my laptop but a Belgian colleague was showing me that his new Vista laptop was uncompatible with a lot of XP programs, especially Autoroute. As this is my main tool apart from Freecell when Im away. Is vista up to the job yet?

I still have software from 3.1 days and dont like to throw it out :smiley:

I’ve been using computers from the days of DOS right through windows 95, 98, 2000. I’m currently running 2 PC’s + laptop, all wireless networked & all running XP sp2 for around 3 years with no problems at all.

I’ve dug deep into whether Vista is worth upgrading to & due to a few issues decided not to bother at the moment…

  1. My main PC (Athlon 3ghz) is not fast enough to run any Vista apart from the Home basic edition :open_mouth: This version lacks all the advanced features that make upgrading to Vista attractive… more like a upgraded XP

  2. My graphics card is not high spec enough to run even the Home basic edition… around £100 for a new card I don’t want.

  3. Vista comes with DRM (digital rights management) as standard. Meaning that any music/videos you legally download cannot be transferred to your Ipod/disc/mobile etc… it won’t let you!

  4. It’s very difficult/impossible to install unsigned hardware drivers on Vista, eg. if you rely on a sound card that has not been signed by Microsoft then it will mean buying new hardware.

  5. Many old programs will not run.

I could go on :wink:
If you are buying a new all singing/dancing PC then Vista is a possible choice. If not & you are happy with XP then I would suggest sticking with it for the time being.

Just my opinion for what it’s worth :laughing:

I’m an ‘XP Pro Corp Ed SP2’ man through & through!! :laughing: :laughing:

I installed Vista on one of my systems and was most unimpressed!! :imp: :imp: :imp:

I won’t be seriously considering installing Vista until at least SP2 comes out for it.

By then a newer, faster computer will probably be needed anyway. :unamused: :unamused: :smiley:

I’m running Vista 64 bit on a system that is one of the earliest 64 bit systems there is,

It’s an ancient 18months old!

But I have to say, it’s extremely fast compared to XPSP2.

I have a BTEC HND (Thats HND not HGV… although I have one of those as well) in computing and I love the Vista OS, and from a geeky point of view, I really like it.

It will take some time to catch on though.

I have Vista on my laptop and it works fine with all my programs (including Autoroute 2003 and 2007)…apart from Norton (didn’t like it anyway) and Sonic record now, (don’t need it with programs on my laptop) the only real issue I have with it is I cannot sync my XDA exec PDA with Vista, and talking to O2 they are not going to upgrade drivers so it will work.

so im told vista has been renamed fista by alot of computer bods as thats what it does to your computer. ive got it on my lap top and i hate it. avast anti virus hates it also.

There is nothing wrong with Vista that a couple more years repairing wont put right.