Microsoft internet 7 explorer probs

Have re-installed the MICROSOFT INTERNET 7 EXPLORER but the address bar at the top that usually hides itself - does not - any ideas please?

Press F11 and all will be revealed (or hidden) :sunglasses:

Press F11 and all will be revealed (or hidden) :sunglasses:

Did that but it still there :cry:

Ah, I’m a bit stumped then, other than rebooting or re-installing :open_mouth:

Defo stumped, can’t find a registry value for this setting either :open_mouth: :open_mouth:

Ah, I’m a bit stumped then, other than rebooting or re-installing :open_mouth:

Done both :confused: :confused: :confused:

why do you want to hide the adress bar? just right click on an empty bit of the task bar along the top and untick “adress bar”

In the ‘TOOLS’ menu at the top of the screen the toolbars have a tick in the ‘LOCK THE TOOLBARS’ option.
Is this my problem and if so how do I unlock them as clicking on it does not work

And one more question…
how would I know if windows internet explorer 7 is actually working/ activated :question: :question:

Tools , toolbars , click off the tick & Hey Presto.-Gone.
Or you may be having probs because you haven,t updated Windows. For XP I think you need to install SP2.
Good luck.

Tools , toolbars , click off the tick & Hey Presto.-Gone.
Or you may be having probs because you haven,t updated Windows. For XP I think you need to install SP2.
Good luck.

Got rid of tick when right clicking on toolbar but cannot get rid of tick when using TOOLS drop down menu :confused: :confused: :confused:

Will see if I got SP2 :bulb:

Downloaded SP2 but stiil no joy :cry: :cry: :cry:

Cannot get rid of that tick on the drop down menu from the tools box that says lock the toolbar :confused: :confused: :confused:

Rog, If you’ve just downloaded and installed Windows XP SP2
then you couldn’t have been using IE7, but more likely IE6.

IE7 will not install unless you have Win XP SP2.

As for not hiding the address bar, this is caused by enhanced
security in IE7. One of IE7’s new security features is to require
the address bar to be displayed 24/7 in the same position.
Fraudulent sites frequently try to hide it so you don’t realize where you truly are.

If you need a secure browser that can hide the address bar, then download
Firefox from here it’s a better browser and less intrusive on your system.

Rog, If you’ve just downloaded and installed Windows XP SP2
then you couldn’t have been using IE7, but more likely IE6.

IE7 will not install unless you have Win XP SP2.

Got that installed

As for not hiding the address bar, this is caused by enhanced
security in IE7. One of IE7’s new security features is to require
the address bar to be displayed 24/7 in the same position.
Fraudulent sites frequently try to hide it so you don’t realize where you truly are.

That must be why I cannot get rid of the tick then :exclamation:

If you need a secure browser that can hide the address bar, then download
Firefox from here it’s a better browser and less intrusive on your system.

Thanks but that will give me some probs with certain HTML codes :slight_smile:

OK - whats going on :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused:

I’ve got 2 internet windows open and on one, the address bar disapears as it is supposed to and on the other, it dont :exclamation:

I’m lost…

Ok, forget all the above posts cos it’s now working :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:
Dunno how though :confused: :confused: :confused:

solve all your problems HERE

:laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: