Hi, I’m not sure if this is anything I an resolve now as night be too late but basically, I finished my shift on Saturday with 4.15 drive time taken. Came in this morning having had adequate rest but messed up with the morning manual entry.
Now I show 38 hours other work instead of rest and obviously 15 mins in to setting off I’m over my driving hours.
I can’t stop for 24 hours to fix the issue so have driven on. Besides doing a printout and explaining on the back is these anything else I can do to resolve this ■■
Yep a couple of prints outs with an explanation, one for you and one to hand in to the office when you download your chart. And then forget about it. I’m 99% sure if you’re stopped it will be a case of;
Were you doing a manual entry to show other work that morning or to show a weekly rest period?
My last place was the same. Stick the card in and hit ok when it asks “rest since last withdrawl?” It wasnt technically correct though as you werent recording handing in keys or paperwork.
Now after a week of manual entries i hope im getting it right, we will see if any infringements come through. This morning i left the truck took my card but left myself on other work instead of rest. I guess its vitally important i dont eff up tonights manual entry.
Was trying to do a manual entry for other work and somehow ended up shafting myself.
I’m new to manual entry’s, my previous job had no problem with whacking the card in and away you go.
VOSA would have had a problem though. You have to account for all work and they’d have asked you where your start of duty daily check is and what you did after taking the card out.
Was trying to do a manual entry for other work and somehow ended up shafting myself.
I’m new to manual entry’s, my previous job had no problem with whacking the card in and away you go.
VOSA would have had a problem though. You have to account for all work and they’d have asked you where your start of duty daily check is and what you did after taking the card out.
Hogwash I’m afraid. I’ve brought this up before but I’ve never done a manual entry, ever. Been pulled by vosa/dvsa and it’s never been mentioned, never been brought up by anyone any time I’ve downloaded the card, some places I’ve worked wanted it downloaded daily some weekly. It would appear to me that more drivers get into trouble doing manual entries than those not doing them at all.
Know a person who changed over to digi and had lots of problems like this.I still have mess ups when I do not put the card to break before pulling it out.What he did was keep a diary of every day,starting miles,time ,place ect then breaks and finish place and miles.He then done a print out and clipped it into that days page.A whole lot of bother but did save himself a lot of hassle when stopped.
Was trying to do a manual entry for other work and somehow ended up shafting myself.
I’m new to manual entry’s, my previous job had no problem with whacking the card in and away you go.
VOSA would have had a problem though. You have to account for all work and they’d have asked you where your start of duty daily check is and what you did after taking the card out.
Hogwash I’m afraid. I’ve brought this up before but I’ve never done a manual entry, ever. Been pulled by vosa/dvsa and it’s never been mentioned, never been brought up by anyone any time I’ve downloaded the card, some places I’ve worked wanted it downloaded daily some weekly. It would appear to me that more drivers get into trouble doing manual entries than those not doing them at all.
Not totally hogwash. I got pulled over at Cullompton in my last job where it was a case of throw the card in and go. The vosa bloke downloaded my card, came back and asked if I had conducted my walk around checks that morning, I obviously said yes, he said it didn’t show on the card. He didn’t give me any grief, just said that they would prefer it done that way and that I should do so in the future. Different vosa officers (or whatever they are now)have different opinions I guess
Job I’m in now pays you for the hours downloaded from your card, consequently manual entries are done for every minute from when I walk through the gate till when I leave
Was trying to do a manual entry for other work and somehow ended up shafting myself.
I’m new to manual entry’s, my previous job had no problem with whacking the card in and away you go.
VOSA would have had a problem though. You have to account for all work and they’d have asked you where your start of duty daily check is and what you did after taking the card out.
Hogwash I’m afraid. I’ve brought this up before but I’ve never done a manual entry, ever. Been pulled by vosa/dvsa and it’s never been mentioned, never been brought up by anyone any time I’ve downloaded the card, some places I’ve worked wanted it downloaded daily some weekly. It would appear to me that more drivers get into trouble doing manual entries than those not doing them at all.
Not totally hogwash. I got pulled over at Cullompton in my last job where it was a case of throw the card in and go. The vosa bloke downloaded my card, came back and asked if I had conducted my walk around checks that morning, I obviously said yes, he said it didn’t show on the card. He didn’t give me any grief, just said that they would prefer it done that way and that I should do so in the future. Different vosa officers (or whatever they are now)have different opinions I guess
Job I’m in now pays you for the hours downloaded from your card, consequently manual entries are done for every minute from when I walk through the gate till when I leave
Showing time on your card for walk around checks isn’t the same as manual entries, I put the card in & don’t move for 10-15 mins, I’m usually getting changed & making coffee rather than checks but they wouldn’t know that.
I’ve never worked for a company that pays off the card, and I never will.
I’ve never worked for a company that pays off the card, and I never will.
Why ? you just do a manual entry at start of each shift, or am I missing something
Showing time on your card for walk around checks isn’t the same as manual entries, I put the card in & don’t move for 10-15 mins
So you aren’t just putting the card in and driving off.
Conors point was that vosa would have a problem with you just putting your card in and driving off. When I got pulled (having done just that) they said they want to see 10 to 15 mins of “other work” on the card at the start of shift - ie, not just insert card and drive.
I don’t get paid by the card I fill in a time sheet. I’ve never done a manual entry. I put card in first job. Then put all my crap in make a coffee and do my checks. When I finish I do paperwork unload my crap and when I’m ready to lock up pull the card. Job done
I don’t get paid by the card I fill in a time sheet. I’ve never done a manual entry. I put card in first job. Then put all my crap in make a coffee and do my checks. When I finish I do paperwork unload my crap and when I’m ready to lock up pull the card. Job done
There is no rule which says a time sheet must match the tacho records but it could cause some awkward questions
Conors point was that vosa would have a problem with you just putting your card in and driving off. When I got pulled (having done just that) they said they want to see 10 to 15 mins of “other work” on the card at the start of shift - ie, not just insert card and drive.
These DVSA guys need to actually start spouting the rules instead of their own made up crap. What the guy should have said is that they want to see the time it takes for your check recorded as work on the tacho. perhaps there wasn’t such a period recorded because you didn’t check the vehicle - and there is nothing in law/legislation/rules to say that YOU HAVE to check the vehicle.
This is why we have drivers putting their card in, selecting work and then sitting around waiting - because someone told them ‘VOSA’ told someone else you have to record 10 to 15 minutes of work before moving the vehicle. it is a load of rubbish.
Conor is right though - DVSA have a little fit when they don’t see this period of work at the start of the shift … but it doesn’t mean there is a problem. If there are no defects on the vehicle then it simply doesn’t matter. DVSA can have a party celebrating having caught someone who hasn’t recorded 15 minutes work - they can’t do a thing about it. If no vehicle checks have been carried out then it is the Operator that has committed an offence - if any offence has indeed been committed.
On a similar note I have a guy on a course this week who assures me he was told to move to the passenger seat because he was on a break. DVSA actually drove over to him on the services and told him he had to swap seats … it really is no wonder DVSA aren’t exactly well thought of by many.
On a similar note I have a guy on a course this week who assures me he was told to move to the passenger seat because he was on a break. DVSA actually drove over to him on the services and told him he had to swap seats … it really is no wonder DVSA aren’t exactly well thought of by many.
This is one that always makes me laugh. I’ve had our self appointed ‘senior driver’ come any tell me that you can’t sit in the drivers seat when on break.
All I asked him was where do I sit if I’m double manning in a day cab?
Why do drivers believe this sort of nonsense and how do people paid to train drivers continually get away with spouting such crap.
Conors point was that vosa would have a problem with you just putting your card in and driving off. When I got pulled (having done just that) they said they want to see 10 to 15 mins of “other work” on the card at the start of shift - ie, not just insert card and drive.
These DVSA guys need to actually start spouting the rules instead of their own made up crap. What the guy should have said is that they want to see the time it takes for your check recorded as work on the tacho. perhaps there wasn’t such a period recorded because you didn’t check the vehicle - and there is nothing in law/legislation/rules to say that YOU HAVE to check the vehicle.
This is why we have drivers putting their card in, selecting work and then sitting around waiting - because someone told them ‘VOSA’ told someone else you have to record 10 to 15 minutes of work before moving the vehicle. it is a load of rubbish…
As the companies TM as well as a driver, I’ve been to the odd seminar for operators and had the odd roadside check, and at no point have I been told by VOSA or DVSA that you should have 10 - 15 minutes of vehicle checks, doesn’t even say they on their video on the subject. However they are keen to stress the importance of daily checks in finding problems and how many of the problems they find at a roadside check could have been found by the driver if they’d carried out a basic daily check. And as that is work it should be shown on the card.
The 10 -15 minutes seems to come from large logistics compliance mangers, who then says VOSA or DVSA told them when challenged. Most of them would be able to find the truck let alone know what to look for on a daily check, but they know all about it because they’ve done the training course.
On a similar note I have a guy on a course this week who assures me he was told to move to the passenger seat because he was on a break. DVSA actually drove over to him on the services and told him he had to swap seats … it really is no wonder DVSA aren’t exactly well thought of by many.
I’ve never worked for a company that pays off the card, and I never will.
Why ? you just do a manual entry at start of each shift, or am I missing something
yes you’re missing the point about me never doing manual entries & never having it mentioned when stopped, therefore not needing to account for every minute as he stated.
Showing time on your card for walk around checks isn’t the same as manual entries, I put the card in & don’t move for 10-15 mins
So you aren’t just putting the card in and driving off.
Conors point was that vosa would have a problem with you just putting your card in and driving off. When I got pulled (having done just that) they said they want to see 10 to 15 mins of “other work” on the card at the start of shift - ie, not just insert card and drive.
So Conors point wasn’t totally “hogwash”
i never mentioned putting the card in & driving off, you brought that up. My point is that you don’t need to do manual entries, the main problem the op had in the first place, by trying to do a manual entry & messing up, something plenty get caught out doing. Best not to do them in the first place. That’s just my opinion.
Sounds more like a driver talking ■■■■■■■■ to me.
Yep I would normally agree but this was one of those that seemed completely genuine. The guy hasn’t come out with any other ■■■■■■■■ and the way he told it just came across as genuine. He reckoned he just said “Oh sorry” and shuffled across the seats and DVSA drove off to the next truck down the line.
To be honest it just doesn’t surprise me with ‘some’ of these DVSA officers