i’m just looking for opinions on the mercs,not sure of the model, might be a 2548,its on an 08 plate,might be getting it as my next truck,only if i like it tho,cheers
i got a new one 4 weeks ago its only low cab and i had a xxl man before but more than happy with it
i gotta 2548 08 plate mega…love it
drove them for brakes and alright,but that was just shift work,not stopping out in it all week,mind ive had a few strallises and liked them so maybe not the best person to take notice of
Got a 59 2546 mega and it’s the muts nads as far as I’m concerned. But then there’s no real crap any more. Is there■■?
Got a 59 2546 mega and it’s the muts nads as far as I’m concerned. But then there’s no real crap any more. Is there■■?
Scania R series?
I drive a 56 2546 Megaspace and she’s nice, drives very well, has the Semi-Auto with clutch and is easy to control.
Sadly she’s not been Chipped as her two sisters have they fly Am trying to persuade bossman.
If it’s a 2548 then it will be auto as standard,the box is no.2 only to Volvo’s i-shift. They pull well when revved(manual mode on hill’s and keep the needle over 1500rpm) and mpg is above average. The bottom bunk is hard sleep up top but the driving position is top of the class. Build quality is again typical German ,the driver’s window visor is the only possible downfall. They are reliable but the gearbox in whatever version can be the downfall. I have a 2008 '46 on timber/offroad work,it has been and still is a good truck but the gearbox did need an ECU .
I still love it thou and am hoping to have it untill at least 1 million click’s!
ive had 4 all 460s got an r cab scania now not a patch ,all mega space with a clutch pull well at low revs exellent visability gearbox the only problem just take ya time. top bunk better than home haha very underated truck
give it a go
the merc’s are a blinding motor, i would love a mega to tramp in.
viewtopic.php?f=2&t=37818&start=1710 this is my baby on this topic she is a 2546 an am more than happy with her, she has the additional blue night lighting on the inside fridge in top draw, lumbar support seat, cd holders full mat across th cab, am away all week in it an never feel like am just in the truck, the truck is very comfortable
My truck cab is on airbags is any1 else’s merc like this ? My boss runs about 20 other mercs an mine is the only 1 on airbags
found out its a 2546 an ts away getting lettered up just now
Remember the Actros has 1 more step than an FH,if not you will after you have skinned your shin a couple of times.
Two stage ignition switch,turn it once to bring up display then wait before starting otherwise you have to switch off and start again.
Exhaust brake not up to Fh standard other than that 2546 Megaspace is a brill truck.
mines will not be a megaspace tho
jessicas dad:
the merc’s are a blinding motor, i would love a mega to tramp in.
I swapped from a GXL and turned down a SSC for a Megaspace, in hindsight one of my better decisions, doesn’t like to be rushed though, but if you are paid by the hour what’s the problem
well had my first 2 days in the actros,down to avonmouth an back,an i must say am impressed with it,only thing i miss tho is the height in the cab and less storage space,but you have to give up something if you want comfort,and yes,the bottom bunk is too hard,so decided i will sleep on the top next time out,lol
I’ve driven a few of them and really liked them.
jessicas dad:
the merc’s are a blinding motor, i would love a mega to tramp in.I swapped from a GXL and turned down a SSC for a Megaspace, in hindsight one of my better decisions, doesn’t like to be rushed though, but if you are paid by the hour what’s the problem
how many do viamaster have of those.
heres a thing i’ve noticed with my actros,when i go to tesco to deliver,i dont put it on break but wen i come out its on break,does it do this automatic an how would it stand with vosa if they checked to see if i was on break?
I recently drove a daf that did that think it had a stoneridge? Tacho. I thought they were meant to default to other work when you stop.