The majority of our drivers who’ve driven a Merc previously are pleased that we’re bringing in a couple of Actros, but what can I expect from my side in terms of the likes of fuel savings and customer support?
How long is a piece of string, I think you will be promised the world, do not hold your breath and that goes for all makes.
Would it not have been an idea to look into those first !
I have had my Actros nearly 3 years now and would get another one tomorrow without hesitation. It drives nicely, very comfortable to live in, bulletproof reliability, excellent dealer support and returning a average 11mpg (although admittedly I rarely exceed 30 tons).
Would it not have been an idea to look into those first !
The savings do look promising and I’d heard good things about the support but no harm in asking for a second opinion!
Fair do’s John! Maybe should’ve mentioned second opinion?
Hope they work out for you and drivers don’t have vertigo