Members only reload/work offered forum

No idea whether this has been mentioned before. As per the title; a reload/work offered forum would be good on here with the relative transparency offered by the regulars, maybe as an add to the Operator forum?

Its been thought about

the issue is how to ensure only genuine operators have access- imagine one of the trolls on here blagging there way in and offering a job that doesn’t exist, who is going recompense the O/O for his wasted time/diesel?

There was a driver on here years ago that took on a load to spain from someone boasting how much work he had and both were respected members and the one doing the job never got paid.

that was trusting someone you don’t know.

It would need to be very much “buyer beware” in that case. If you’re able to provide the platform without any guarantee’s to users, I’m sure the regulars on here would be adult enough to do their own homework on who’s legit and who’s not. Clearly the ability for members to leave feedback, good or bad is a major benefit. :bulb:

One way to deter the hoaxers is to make it a subscription based service.

Generate a new user level which includes either a small monthly or annual fee - those users are vetted in terms of their business particulars and then allowed access to the back load forum. With the explicit understanding that should an issue occur then their details will be made available to the other party?

Tbf, I was thinking of keeping it low key, free and allow the current membership to effectively police themselves. Imo, once you charge fee’s people look elsewhere.