Meeting the one and only

Robk tonight,he is currently on route to god’s country (Scotland) for a few deliveries and i will be meeting him soon.Wish me luck :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

not chesney hawks then kitkat :laughing: :laughing:

Awwww…how sweet, Kit Kat’s got a blind date! :stuck_out_tongue:

Awwww…how sweet, Kit Kat’s got a blind date! :stuck_out_tongue:

yeah whatever :laughing:

KK take your camera and get a snap of him, im sure im not the only one who would like to know what he looks like.

As he only lives a mile or three from my gaff,I’ve met him.And he rang me today,while I was in the local cafe,having breakfast!!!

Be afraid…be very afraid… :lol: :laughing:


on route to god’s country

I see you don’t know how to spell Tyneside then?



on route to god’s country

I see you don’t know how to spell Tyneside then?


Is Tyneside a country??..

Robk tonight,he is currently on route to god’s country (Scotland) for a few deliveries and i will be meeting him soon.Wish me luck :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

What posesed you to do such a crazy thing!

no word from kitkat since - who’s going to ring the pollis? ask for taggart! :laughing:

Must have tried to take Robs pic. :open_mouth:

Must have tried to take Robs pic. :open_mouth:

yeah i know im mates with rob and i wouldnt try and take his picture cos i like my camera just the way it is. ( with the lens intact ) :wink:

put blue lights in your car kitkat he will find yer :wink:


Maybe they have headed off into the sunset together. :wink: :smiley: :smiley:

pmsl :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Holding hands

maybe they went for a ride in kk,s motor as rob has said in another topic how much he liked the man tga :wink: :laughing:

KK take your camera and get a snap of him, im sure im not the only one who would like to know what he looks like.

And you still don’t know what he look’s like :laughing:

Be afraid…be very afraid

Now you tell me :laughing: :laughing:

I see you don’t know how to spell Tyneside then?

Couldn’t find it on the map, :laughing: is it a big place :laughing:

What posesed you to do such a crazy thing!

Spur of the moment i suppose :laughing:

no word from kitkat since - who’s going to ring the pollis? ask for taggart

They where too busy catching speeding driver’s. :laughing:

Must have tried to take Robs pic.

I never said i was brave :laughing:

put blue lights in your car kitkat he will find yer

leave that sort of thing to boy racer’s like yourself jonboy :laughing:

Maybe they have headed off into the sunset together.

Sound’s like a chance to get your video out again Neil :laughing:

Holding hands

You seen the size of them,there like shovel’s :laughing:

maybe they went for a ride in kk,s motor as rob has said in another topic how much he liked the man tga

Not allowed passenger’s. :laughing:

Good read Jim. :wink: :smiley: Told us nothing about the meeting though. :unamused: :unamused: :unamused:

Good read Jim. :wink: :smiley: Told us nothing about the meeting though. :unamused: :unamused: :unamused:

hey be patient,bloody story writer’s alway’s looking for a good story for next book. :laughing:


Good read Jim. :wink: :smiley: Told us nothing about the meeting though. :unamused: :unamused: :unamused:

hey be patient,bloody story writer’s alway’s looking for a good story for next book. :laughing:

:smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

No, you are quite safe, I’ve given up on the writing. Too busy doing other stuff so it has been kicked into touch for now.