medical costs

hope this might help people.

i am gonna see how much my doc charges and if it is too much might give them a try.

if its advertising i apologise :smiley: :smiley:

Thanks for that Neil, just at the right time :wink: :laughing:



And if anyone needs a medical in Wolverhampton or Shrewsbury areas, I have the number of a Doctor who charges Ā£27.50. Evening and weekend appointments are available.

For all those contributing. Donā€™t forget the ā€œUseful Linksā€ forum.

I know itā€™s mainly used for computer links, but if someone has name/address/tel no for someone providing a good service a competitive cost, then that can also be featured.

Another one that might be useful for the South Eastā€¦

I paid Ā£22 in Hastingsā€¦

well i phoned my doc today to see how much a medical would be and they said 100 POUNDS :imp: :imp: :imp:

Ā£67:50 at my own doctors surgery and nothing through the company. :laughing: :laughing:

Iā€™ve just had a medical with Cotswold Medicals (see Neilā€™s link). Seen by the boss (Dr Phil Thornley), nice bloke very personable. Thorough medical with no personal opinions/hobby horseā€™s to affect the result. He also informed me that a charitable donation is made out of the fee.

All in all a top man with a first class service - highly recommended



And if anyone needs a medical in Wolverhampton or Shrewsbury areas, I have the number of a Doctor who charges Ā£27.50. Evening and weekend appointments are available.

would that be doc hill kate? :smiley:

Yes Mal, it certainly is.

Thought so, he did mine, the guvnor of cheap medicals!

Mine tried to charge me Ā£80-00 for about 15mins work. Argued about it and he knocked it down to about Ā£25-00 :unamused:. Is this the room for an argument :grimacing: ?

my local one, Doctor Riley (Scunny) charges between Ā£20-28 for individuals and whatever he fancies for companies.

he detests doctors who charge individuals large amounts, and only really does it for something to do, and to stay on the medical register :smiley:

Boots Oā€™Lead:
Iā€™ve just had a medical with Cotswold Medicals (see Neilā€™s link). Seen by the boss (Dr Phil Thornley), nice bloke very personable. Thorough medical with no personal opinions/hobby horseā€™s to affect the result. He also informed me that a charitable donation is made out of the fee.

All in all a top man with a first class service - highly recommended



just seen the same man and concur with jules EXCELLENT SERVICE
