The Ha policy is that ‘spray slow down’ is not used routinely, only for a ‘specific’ problem/area.
Operators have taken to using them incorrectly against policy, end of.
You will of course be able to quote “Policy” on setting spray signs.■■
Depending on the operator, signs are set either,
A) If large amounts of spray is seen to be kicked up by vehicles, & cleared once no longer a problem.
B) Only if a patrol / police patrol shouts up for them, and will only clear them if a patrol tells then to.
The “POLICY” says that SPEEDS will not be set for any weather event, unless authorised by an OM.
Now lets get things straight on who has first authority on the VMS message.
There are certain messages that are automatically set by sensors / cameras./midas.
Anything that has “Queue” or “Queues” in the message is usually set my MIDAS.
The Messages “12 miles to J26, 10 mins” type of message, is again automatically set by cameras similar to ANPNR type cameras (nothing to do with speed enforcement)
Any message similar to “Don’t drink & drive” “Don’t hog the middle lane” “Think bike” is set by the NTIC (Nation Traffic Information Centre) and has been planned for certain areas were the high-ups believe most benifit will come.
Most signs for High Winds, are set automatically (Well they are in our region) Some FOG signs are also auto sensed
Now we get down to the priority levels;…(highest number wins!)
Highest priority is “ONCOMING VEHICLE” @ 46 this will overwrite anything!
NTIC for the VMS half mile prior to a junction @ 41
NTIC diversions @ 36
NTIC information (ie Brands Hatch event 4th June, queues likely) priority @ 11
The auto signs, about journey times. priority @ 11
Signs informing of no fuel at svs. priority @ 6
Now everything that informs you of debris, accidents exit closures, obstructions, skid risk, winds, roadworks and all warning messages SET BY THE RCC not NTIC, have a priority of 30
MIDAS comes in @ priority 15
Floods, Fog*, Gritting* Snow, Spray* come in IF SET INDIVIDUALLY AT PRIORITY 13,
**This is where the problem lies, most spray signs are as as “plans” ie similar to an itinerary in a sat nav,the VMS that will show “spray, slow down” are predetermined in these plans for certain area’s, so if the plan is set, the various predetermined VMS’s will light up “spray” As these are RCC plans, they have the priority of 30, and will overwrite anything previously set with either the same authority, or lower. This is a problem and has been reported, but the wheels turn very slowly if at all!
Now we get to roadworks closures.
Over recent nights, each night we’d had an average of 45 plus sets of roadworks to signal for, with only 2+ operators to deal with them.
If a sliproad or carriageway is going to be closed, as well as setting the signs, disabling MIDAS, setting the HDS lower, we have to inform all the relevant emergency services that would possible use that part of the network. ie Police, Fire & Ambo. we also have to inform the NTIC who only want to know as the closure is set. They will then inform the media, put it on the internet sites, and set strategic VMS (You’ve all seen these, telling you of closures at the other side of the country)
It can take 10 - 15 minutes to set a big closure and inform all the people that need telling, so there can be a delay in the information getting out there. This is also true when the roadworks are removed, 95% of the roadworks crews only call in to have the signs & signals removed after they’ve removed all their cones, then drove up to the next junction, turned back to the previous junction to go through again and clear there advance hard signage, we then get the call to say the c/way is now open, so we have to make all the calls to the relevant parties, again a delay.
Anyone who can get it to work better (Yes, I know it should!) please apply to the HA