MAT transport LTD. Need informations

I hope I’m in the good forum section for my request. ^^

I’m a french student in history department at Paris 1 Pantheon Sorbonne university, Paris, France. War and economic studies.My dissertation of Master’s degree is about french secret operation called “operation vide-Gousset”, by which french president, de Gaulle, decided to repatriate national gold deposited in foreign central banks.

I have tried to find on the web informations about an english transportation company named “MAT transport ltd”. But nothing clear.
Do you know if this company still exists ? If yes, do you know its mail address ? If not, (disappearance, buyout, whatever), do you know who I can contact to find archives ?

In deed, I would like to study some of the archives of this company, which was implyed in the secret transportation of french national gold between january 1965 and february1966, between Bank of England and civil and military London airports .

So, if anybody can help me to contact the good person…