Massive pet hate

It seems to be a beano thing, don’t see so many Irish drivers with name plates maybe the beans can’t remember their names! Wonder does the wife write the name on their y fronts.

Probably too much hassle for the driver to remember to change the nameplate same time as the digi-card. :wink:

Didn’t realise there were so many Paddies with Bulgarian names though! :smiley:

Not bothered about plates, my pet hate is Richard Head’s that drive round with front fog lights on thinking they make him/her look cool

2nd is Mr / Mrs Peek-A-Boo complete with pelmet :smiley:

Remember when the boy racers had names on sun-visors?

You know, the ‘Kevin ---- Tracey’ sort of thing.

Doesn’t seem much different and gave the occasional smile. I remember one that said ‘Pete ---- different one every night’

I never did it - I had enough trouble pulling birds without telling them I already had a woman. :smiley:

Anyway, I always thought most of those plates were there to display the driver’s ‘handle’ for use on CB,

Yes that is what they originally were used for i think so you could be spotted but now cb’s are not so common. I would never have a name plate because we drive different units every day unless nighting out but i have nothing against folks who use them.

To your customers you are the only person they see from your company, so therefore you represent your company.
I believe being smart with the right can do attitude and 1st name terms are important.
Without customers you are out of a job.
I use a name plate for that reason.

Name badge? Then you can drive any truck :wink:

Remember when the boy racers had names on sun-visors?

You know, the ‘Kevin ---- Tracey’ sort of thing.

Doesn’t seem much different and gave the occasional smile. I remember one that said ‘Pete ---- different one every night’

I never did it - I had enough trouble pulling birds without telling them I already had a woman. :smiley:

Good grief yes. It was quite common to have your name & your girlfriend’s name on the sun strip of a old Ford Anglia etc.
Also the Johnnie Walker Kiss in the Car licence like a tax disc given out by Radio Caroline. I had one & I didn’t even have a car at that time!

Halfords make plates.

My local Halfords wont make them with anything but a real number plate (supported by V5)

I got my mine from here Home | My Showplates

All of our lorries have them, various from Rebel (he’s really a nice chap), Pugsley (Surname), Sweep (Been a sweeper driver all his life), Rare Breed (He’s just not right), Spank (honestly no idea) and obviously Tom (It’s not my name but it’s close enough)

OP must double hate me cos I’ve Tom in the windscreen and Bale Bandit on the grille.

I cant see why you let it grip your ■■■■

Doing the job for six months and a chip on your shoulder that big already? ■■■■ off and do something else then I don’t have to bump into you in an RDC waiting room.

Halfords did not ask me for a V5 or any paperwork for a name plate.

Remember when the boy racers had names on sun-visors?

You know, the ‘Kevin ---- Tracey’ sort of thing.

Oh yes Alan I remember back in the long lost non-PC days, I had a sunstrip on my Triumph Herald…

One side said “Dave,” whilst the other side said “yes dear” … that kept 'em guessing. :wink: :laughing: :grimacing:

Dave, I wasn’t suggesting for a moment that you were ever a boy racer. Mind you, that’s not an easy task in a Triumph Herald. :smiley:

Who gives a ■■■■ about the name plate in the window it’s there yoke they can put what they like in it…

Wonder if the ops is jealous ?

Had this made for the O.P

Had this made for the O.P

+1 to you Sir :slight_smile:

Had mine bought for me by a mate of mine.

Been ‘Flashed’ ( :open_mouth: :wink: ) a few times as of late by British trucks. Must be people on here I guess…

Saw one years back IS IT NOT FRIDAY YET. allways thought that was a good one. Eddie.

Ive got to say this as its been doin my head in more and more as the days go by.Ive been drivin hgvs for around 6 months and ive developed a massive pet hate for other hgv drivers who put a registration plate in the windscreen with their name on does anyone actually give a [zb] what your name is seriously,even worse is when i see a name like BIG JOHN or BIG DAVE and the driver is not big at all just overweight with stubble hilarious…seen one in north wales called ■■■■■■ wat sorry mate r u a ■■■■■■ lets not look at you then incase u kill us all.

No one gives a crap ones a ■■■■■■ no ones THE BOSS or TOP DOG were hgv drivers on poor money and long hours END OF

Seriously? :unamused:

Another person who seemingly cannot stand the fact some people are actually enthusiastic about their job. For me, name plates are representative of drivers having some camaraderie between each other. The fella with the name ‘■■■■■■’ was probably just a nickname given to him by his work mates, having a laugh and enjoying the job. Good on him.

Am no a fan of them, i wouldnt have one myself. But i cant say ive ever took the time to be ■■■■■■ off about it :laughing:

same as-not a fan myself but each to their own etc, however i had a new bloke with me once to show him the ropes,he got in my motor (as a passenger) and put his own plate in the windscreen.i insisted he took it out as i wasnt keen on them.and i deffo didnt want to be driving around with "Nobby " in my windscreen!!

my names not martin,but I used a truck(mine in for service) that had a "martin" number plate on the first,i was a bit sceptical...but I got into it. wheres the best place to get one made up :question:


It’s just a bit of plastic with a name on it.

Get a grip