Massive pet hate

Got a driver at our place got plate slasher in window thinks he some kinda a man cos he cut someone Apparently !!! [zb] nob head

ooooooo looks whos spat his dummy out.
would you like us to pick your teddies up that you’ve chucked out yer pram.
seriously take a chill pill cos if you don’t you won’t make it as a truck driver.

if anyone on here actually knows this sad individual can you please get some name plates made up for him and plaster them all over his cab.

Am no a fan of them, i wouldnt have one myself. But i cant say ive ever took the time to be ■■■■■■ off about it :laughing:


If someone wants to be a ■■■■, it’s no business of mine! :laughing:

I don’t hate it but it does make me laugh coz there does seem to be an uncanny amount of BIG JOHN And BIG DAVE drivers out there.

The ones i see are quite funny;Little legs.Old ■■■■.And Kin Ale.

Got a driver at our place got plate slasher in window thinks he some kinda a man cos he cut someone Apparently !!! [zb] nob head

Perhaps he went to a Greek evening but hes disloksic :bulb:

What is the point of bull spears and dream catchers.?

my names not martin,but I used a truck(mine in for service) that had a "martin" number plate on the first,i was a bit sceptical...but I got into it. wheres the best place to get one made up :question:

Halfords make plates.

Lymm I think, been years since I’ve been though…

Halfords make plates.

Can be very funny though as techically to make a plate (even not an actual reg) you need to take details and all that crap.

eBay… 4 quid posted tops.

Somebody must love it :laughing:


This again :unamused:

If its not this it’s [zb] stobarts Or curtains :unamused:

god help a stobart with name and curtains :open_mouth:

Look, lets just get this all over and done with - here goes,

Fat blokes, agency drivers, matador spears, Stobarts, cyclists, Royal Mail jockeys (and for Pimpdadddy - Tescos), agency staff, Vosa, cyclists, Class 2 jammers, MSA’s, RDC restrooms, smokers and non-smokers, biscuit thieves, cab-rats, older drivers, gatehouse staff, cyclists, Flips, pimple faced planners, lane discipline, Stobarts, night time economy workers (curtain slashers, diesel suckers), umbrella schemes, non-jobs, Angus (they’re side by side), DCPC, and now apparently, name plates in the windowscreens.

And of course, Stobarts.

Someone once said Mumsnet, it’s looks more like Whingenet :laughing: :laughing:

There’ll be some I’m sure to have omitted, so if anybody out there cares to finish the job off…

The comfort and consideration of the children was present in the submission of this post.

I think it can be quite good to hear Sally traffic on Radio 2 mention some trucker on her traffic news bulletin only to see them pass by you minutes later knowing it was them! :smiley:

Anyway, I always thought most of those plates were there to display the driver’s ‘handle’ for use on CB, which I think is a neat idea? :unamused: When I get my own truck sorted I might install my ham radio gear and display my callsign in the window. Don’t ask me why, cuz I don’t know! :grimacing:

I’ve never had a name plate but I don’t have anything against them. These days with so many trucks being plain white, basic fleet spec motors that look alike its no wonder guys have name plates for their mates to recognise them etc. Over here a lot of the Brit guys in Canadian trucks (and Pat in his yank motor) have Union Jack stickers, or licence plates like myself. I’m regularly meeting fellow Brits all over Canada and the US who I would otherwise never have come across. Sometimes not meeting them would have been better but there you go!

Used to be a semi getting around se qld with the ‘incredible bulk’ plate in the screen… and he was ■■■■■■■ huge.

To your customers you are the only person they see from your company, so therefore you represent your company.
I believe being smart with the right can do attitude and 1st name terms are important.
Without customers you are out of a job.
I use a name plate for that reason.

…we’re hgv drivers on poor money and long hours END OF

Not all of us are. Some of us have very good jobs, the likes of which you’ll probably never get a sniff at. :wink:

1 of our drivers is always reading a book in his cab, our yard boy when asked where this driver was always answers in his truck reading fiftyshades. So said yardboy got a nameplate made up saying FIFTYSHADES… funny thing is the driver has never read it…:smiley::grin::grin::grin:

It seems to be a beano thing, don’t see so many Irish drivers with name plates maybe the beans can’t remember their names! Wonder does the wife write the name on their y fronts.