Hi hope you can help, yesterday i lost my wallet with all my cards but didnt know until I got to work this morning i done a print out and was going to cancel my cards as soon as DVLA offices were open but before I could someone had turned up at my house with my wallet which they found at Aldi carpark. what should I do with regards using my card tomorrow after driving for the day without card.
Thanks for that. Yes got home then changed into work cloths for jobs around house had no need for my wallet until work this morning.
You lost your wallet yesterday and didn’t know about it until you got to work today
Anyway I trust you did another vehicle printout at the end of the todays shift ?
When you next insert your driver card into a tachograph record todays shift with the ? symbol.
It would have been best to do two printouts at the start and end of the shift so you could hand one set into your transport office and keep the other with you but it’s too late now so…
If you drive same truck all the time before you Insert card see if you can do a vehicle print out. And basically copy that as your manual entry unless you do lots of drops a day . Which can be a pain.
Only thing you can’t do a manual entry for is driving unless I’m missing out here.
Keep. Printout tell transport manager what happened and you should be fine
What did your TM say when you got to work with no card? If you didn’t ask, probably because you knew what the answer would have been.
Many Co would see what happened as a serious disciplinary. Several lessons learnt