Manual Entries

I was just looking through VOSA’s Rules on Tachographs and Drivers Hours when I noticed a paragraph about digital Tacho’s… “Ensure that all duties conducted since the driver card was last removed from a tachograph are manually entered onto the card record,using the manual entry facility on the tachograph” (Page 34).I know you need to keep the previous 28 days records but what if you haven’t been near a digital tacho for 3 or 4 weeks,have you got to spend a couple of hours tapping your history to bring your card up to date when you do get to use a digital unit ? I am sure many people spend most of their time with an analogue unit and only occasionally use a digital,maybe a hire vehicle.It seems a little excessive when you will have all your analogue charts to cover you anyway.Any opinions?

does it not just mean for the rest of that working day?

im guessing it does as i only use a digi card about once every 6 week s at the minute (like you said in hire vehicles) and there is no way my boss will pay me for 2 hours work inpitting all the ■■■■■ on a manual entry without even moving 1 foot! :laughing: