Dunno about Wickes but your right its just off the M1/M25. Its just off J7 M1 - Hemel Hempstead, slip off @ 7 vere left then when you have the big hotel in front of you take a right at roundabout then drive about 200yds up until beside the oil place and hey presto … Would have been me parked there a few weeks ago buddy.
Dunno about Wickes but your right its just off the M1/M25. Its just off J7 M1 - Hemel Hempstead, slip off @ 7 vere left then when you have the big hotel in front of you take a right at roundabout then drive about 200yds up until beside the oil place and hey presto… Would have been me parked there a few weeks ago buddy.
■■■■ knew I should have gone to see if it was you but curtains were drawn so didn’t want to disturb
There was a huge queue on the M1 so I pulled off and looked for somewhere to have a 45, went past that roundabout and its a deadend, space to spin round a artic at the bottom at entrance to Wickes, and parkup on that road
maps.google.com/maps?f=q&source= … 2,0,-1.64
and I was wrong its a 7.5t limit at the other exit off that roundabout, I have been down there in a unit before trying to escape chaos on the M1 and its pretty ■■■■ tight
shoulda knocked on his curtains, he was probably dancing away to mika in there
shoulda knocked on his curtains, he was probably dancing away to mika in there
Well I didn’t know it was Scottishcruiser and last thing I want to do is wake up some angry kilt-wearing scottish guy who throws tree trunks around
shoulda knocked on his curtains, he was probably dancing away to mika in thereWell I didn’t know it was Scottishcruiser
and last thing I want to do is wake up some angry kilt-wearing scottish guy who throws tree trunks around
haha he could barely toss himself let alone a caber, the skinny wee runt lol.
No dancing that day, prob either sleeping or watching tv… Leave the highland fling for the hotter summer months
look at your we number plate scotish cruzer hahaha your a wana be irish trucker just like me haha
Keep an eye out for more new wagons on the road this month…
SL04WEY (4 Wheeler Globetrotter - Not a brand new wagon but the money spent on it may as well have been. Good shell put over the top of a good engine)
HIG 8754 (4 wheeler Globetrotter)
SL10WEY (6 wheeler XL)
JC10WEY (6 wheeler XL)
Thats on top of HIG 8751, 8752, 8754 & 8755 all out within last 2 months.
And who said the recession was hurting the haulage industry?
Well I saw 4 Manfreight trucks today on my travels 2 in convoy A1 Northbound 8:45ish, 1 A14 Southbound around 3pm, and 1 A1 Southbound around 4:30 near Newark again
was any of them you mate ?
A1 Southbound @ Newark could have been me but prob would have been more like 5.30/5.45am… Sat night/Sun morning? Through the night I usually have my LED board on so thats 1 way you can recognise me from any others.
Heres our other 580 freshly painted and out aint shop this week:-
any picutres of the wee manfreight volvo FM
Seem a white manfright lorry, was a volvo any pictures of that? whats the deal with it? also seen a small rigid lorry of manfreights, whats with that and any pictures of her?
seen the white unit and fridge in montgomery refrigeration yesterday,sorry no photo though.
id heard they had bought a few of landmarks volvos and mayby have bought 1 of their rigids also.
Yeah one of Landmarks old 520’s, well when I say old its an 07 reg… Never seen or heard of the rigid though, maybe doing local work for Moy Park? Still never seen the Landmark 520 but heard plenty about it… Maybe just doing Irish work? I dont know. Will need to get pics of the wee FM but again I think its doing mostly Irish work only…
did I see you Tuesday morning around 0400-0430 near cambridge A1 Scottishcruiser ?
manfreight couldn’t lace MVH’s boots!
my mate stephen is drivin the fm at the min doin moy park dungannon to mullingar each day and i think he takes the unit home each nite so it wouldnt be about the yard much. handy wee number he has for sure