i reli like this truck
i reli like this truck
is that my mates shugs moter i sea there [sy02wey[ how is coco and snowie tell them i say hello.
Shugs in SL09 now, gave up SL02… There doing fine bud… WHats your name and I will pass it on
This is just freshly painted and in my opinion one of the nicest Scanias around. Not overly done. If it were me, id add the rectangular recess lights in bottom grill and 2 more spots in the visor.
And a couple of mine when at Hemel Hempstead taking the time off:-
Is all your work for Norfolk line?
Yeah bud most of it is, maybe 30 odd lorries and 3 of his own trailers■■? Then maybe about a dozen doing work with Moy Park with his own trailers.
R series lookin good is that forbes old one painted up?? There is always a good shine off manfreight units good paint and plenty of laquer helps
their the pics i was talking about i was looking at scottish cruzer lol the scanny and the volvo look right and well lol
who lorry is that on the low loader recked lad■■? lol
i was out to this one one night on frankley services.something substantial was falling off the trailer…
The door?
no,but i have removed the doors and even the rear frame on more than one occasion.
one of the wheels was falling off.had to have a new wheel,nuts/studs and hub carrier(turbofan).
whoo drives this
His names Wullie Johnstone. Whats up?
I was just wonderin coz i saw this just outside felixstowe yesterday bout lunchtime-ish
Ah right, we get about. Theres 2 x 520’s that look identical with more or less the same reggie.
Think I know this place, is it just off the M1 first junction north of the M25 ? Wickes round the corner and a road with a 3.5t weight limit ? Saw a Manfreight parked there few weeks ago.
Very smart trucks more pics please.