I have a red warning on the dash to stop saying lock cab i have defected it three times and still not rectified and told to put a paper clip in to disable the warning but if i was stopped by vosa how woul they view the lack of action to repair it and can someone say uf it is an offence and fine and made to sort it out .by vosa.thanks.
Dont know about Man but Mercedes( of which Man is a cheap replica with bits that fall off and crap electrics) have 2 microswitches on the lock pins on the cab rear mounts.
Usually its the o/s switch that sticks so either push it out off its mounting(little square box with 2 wires)and twiddle with it till the light goes out or give the mouting locating pin a good whack with a hammer to free the reed switch.
Should have bought a proper german piece of rubbish.Mercedes.
That will teach you.
Good tips thanks,
I’ve seen one come back from a MAN dealer with a paper clip fitted.
With the constant warning light it will hude more serious defects.
Its a common problem on them, mine did it and so have quite a few others in our fleet. It
s caused by a broken wire, if its on a r+m contract call in a dealer, it
s only a 15min job. Just might take them a couple of hours to get around to doing it.