Making a mountain out of a molehill

had a dodgy pallet today , so straped it before leaving and got there o.k , my fault but i decided to take strap off before reversing on bay, reversed on bay , booked in and sat down, 10 mins later got a call to go with loader.
we got to back of trailer to see said pallet had gone over[ my fault should of left ■■■■■■■■, but what amazed me was there must of been every tom, ■■■■ and harry already there and some bird [ safety officer i assume] who was on about rejecting the whole load :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :unamused: :unamused: .
i said no problem i restack it , zb hell youd think id of suggested mass murder, no ones to touch it untill the managers seen it and decided what to do.
he turns up takes one look [ i thought here we go] and says just restack it[ common sense at last :unamused: :unamused: .
i went to restack it but loader says you leave it , we want it doing properly not just bunged on the pallet anyhow, so i went to sit down. :wink:
2 hrs 10 mins later they managed to restack 1 pallet :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :unamused: :unamused: .
at times you really wonder what the zb going on

:open_mouth: oops sorry Aidy thought this was another Scanny thread :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

on a more serious note, it does make you wonder where common sense went doesn’t it :unamused: :wink:

montana man:
on a more serious note, it does make you wonder where common sense went doesn’t it :unamused: :wink:

Didnt it get captured somewhere inbetween a Jobsworth and the Government never to be found in the real world again :cry:

dont think it should be called common sense anymore as it isnt that common !!!

We had one go over a few weeks ago.

Poorly stacked and when the driver braked whilst reversing with the doors open, half of it fell out onto the ground.

Punnetts of strawberries everywhere.

And me not being one to ignore the Governments advice on 5 or more portions of fruit and veg a day…

I overdosed.


As did everyone else nearby.


We had one go over a few weeks ago.

Poorly stacked and when the driver braked whilst reversing with the doors open, half of it fell out onto the ground.


yep that used to be at netto’ at south emsall with a conatiner of tins on :smiling_imp: :smiling_imp: :smiling_imp: reverse onto the bay a little bit too hard and hear them come crashing down…

or if it was raining slam brakes on reversing onto the bay but brake about 6/7 ft short of the bay. then do a polish driver trick… shurg my shoulders say sorry and get back in the lorry and put my feet up. :imp: :imp: :imp: :imp:

I once loaded pallets of red wine in Liverpool. Got up and checked them - solid as a rock. Straps? Nah need. Oh yeah Mr. Expert? Pulled out of the factory and up a steep hill, can’t remember if it was a gear change or braking…bang! Back two pallets over and red wine ■■■■■■■ out of the back.
“Some of these suckas gotta learn the hard way” :blush:

The only time I got really annoyed about a pallet (or 2) falling over was earlier this year.

When one has tipped, (the store staff do the donkey work), you are meant to look in the back to make sure everything is ok before they seal it up. To be honest, I very rarely do this, unless I am stood at the bay as they tip. This is because the lads (and ok 1 or 2 lasses), usually do a good job and I think it would be patronising to ‘check up’ on them. Afterall I get paid to do my job and they get paid to do theirs.

On that day, I had 2 stores to go to; Thamesmead and Gravesend. Got to Thamesmead at 12.00 to the sight of the scissor lift being worked on. I was told the depot had been notified not to send in any deliveries until after 15.00. So I called up the depot, and they told me to go to Gravesend. They said they would call the store and tell them to tip the whole load then re-load Thamesmead’s. Of course, I didn’t watch what was going on, as I was tucking into lunch in the canteen.

Back at Thamesmead, and it tranpires that the lad at Gravesend had loaded the first 2 pallets, then left a 6 foot gap, then loaded the rest as normal. Carnage. So the next couple of times I had to go to Gravesend, I made a point of double checking load security once tipped! He did ask me why I was checking so much, so I explained to him that his selfish action didn’t just affect the other store, but myself personally as it delayed my day. He just looked shifty and nervous mumbled a sorry then walked away. That I did find funny, as I am probably the least intimidating driver ever.

Haven’t seen that lad for a while though so hopefully he’s moved onto pastures new.

Had pallets slip many times but the only time a pallet has gone over was when I was delivering paint.

12 drops in two days (the only night out I had last year UUUrgh!!). At drop 4 I noticed one of the pallets had split and small drips of paint were dripping out of the side of the trailer. Phoned up, “Keep going drive”. Fair enough. At drop 6 paint was everywhere. Phoned again, “Keep going, it’ll be okay”. Couldn’t deliver 4 out of the remaining 6 drops as the paint had ruined them all but I did as I was told and had a cracking day just driving to my delivery points to be sent on my way as they wouldn’t accept the product in that state.
