Maintainence / repair forum?

Would there be any possibility to create a section on here for maintainence / repair issues? Does anyone else think that there is a need for such a forum?



I personally don’t think that would need a seperate forum as that information can be got thru the owner drivers forum. Perhaps if the software gets an update it could be considered as a sub-forum in the o/d’s section.

I think Semtex is right, the Owner driver forum gets more people reading than a separate new forum would so your questions are more likely to get answers there.

Denis F:
I think Semtex is right, the Owner driver forum gets more people reading than a separate new forum would so your questions are more likely to get answers there.

Hear Hear to all of the above.
Err…Maybe a section on gearboxes too :wink:
(Klaxon sounds…CRASH-DIVE!! :open_mouth: )