Mad woman v. cyclist!

Poor lass only wanted child benefit back so she could feed the kids at mcd,s before he cycled to pub and spent it all
Are you trying to wind the cyclists up, if so there is a forum for that :smiley:

I like the following YouTube comment:

The morale of the story is: Get the ■■■■ out of the way when Davina McCall is behind you.

Blimey, she’s a feisty mare - fit tho’ :wink:

Who was recording it?

My deaf granny managed to lip read what the girl was shouting at him. Quote " My husband wants his job back so get the ZB back to Eastern Europe you ZB before I ZBing do something I won’t ZBing regret you ZB."

The video shows the redheaded woman repeatedly kicking and striking the man

they must have been watching a different video to me then, i saw her kick once :unamused:

she did have a nice arse though :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

The thing that makes me laugh, is some people get the hump when they’re in a rush and are being held up, but will happily spend 5-10 mins having an argument over it :open_mouth: :stuck_out_tongue:

I bet thats the last time that David Cameron rides his bike past Rebbecca Brooks house :unamused: .

Looks to me as if she is saying “you ran over my dog but it was off camera so nobody at TNUK will threaten to feed you your testicles” what do you reckon?

No she was saying…" Caught you at last Slackbladder!" :grimacing:

Quality! If only my bike was that new, might start wearing the hat though.