MACCA on tour

Paul McCartney…The guy is an absolute music legend, and he is also 83 years old.

I’ve kinda grew up (allegedlly😂) with him in the background of my entire life.
Always a massive Beatles fan, Beatles and Wings vinyl albums and singles on my loft, always watch him when he is on tv and all the rest of it…but never got the chance to see him, so I thought 83 years old, the guy is knocking on a bit now, (if you know what I mean) and he’s going on UK tour, now’s my chance.
Got the Mrs on the case,… she was on the phone waiting for the thick end of 2 bloody hours…to no avail.:roll_eyes:
Anybody else on here tried and succeeded in getting tickets?

Btw…The obligatory miserable sod who is about to come back with…
‘Wouldn’t gan and see him if he was on my village green’…
Dont bother yer arse,.I get it.:roll_eyes: )

If it’s any consolation, apparently some ticket prices for the upcoming Girls Aloud tour have been reduced from £120 to about £20 due to poor sales.

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I can’t think why.:thinking: :joy:

I aint a music snob by any stretch, but even I wouldnt bother.:smile:

I was a Beatles fan right from the off when Brian Mathew played one of theirs on Saturday Club, but the only time I have ever paid to go and see anyone perform was Bill Jewry*, an old schoolmate, at Newark Corn Exchange. He was supporting Brian Hyland (I think his name was) the Itsy Bitsy Yellow Polka Dot Bikini bloke, and I expect we paid all of 5 bob.

Got a Gash’s bus ok all the way there from Nottingham, but they’d all stopped running by the end so we walked the whole 27 miles back along the A 46/A 52 to Bramcote in the middle of the night.

*Alvin Stardust

Send me the six hundred quid mate, and I’ll come and serenade you. I’ll even let you pick the songs. :musical_score:

“On the phone for tickets”? I think that’s where you’re going wrong, you need to get with the 21st century method of getting to a gig.

All the events I’ve been to in the past decade are all online ticket purchases only, normally through the likes of Ticketmaster et al

Buying gig tickets is an absolute 'kin PITA, these days you don’t even receive a physical ticket, just an e-ticket, and you have to show it on your phone to get in.

Avoid Viagogo for ticket purchases, it’s just a legalised method for touts/scalpers/rip-off merchants

Ok…just asked her again.
Seems I wasnt listening to her after all (no change there :smiley:)
She hadn’t spent 2 hours on phone, it was a while on ‘Ticketmaster’ (2000th in queue) then Co.op live (blagging this btw, not a scooby what I am saying) then somewhere else, and her mate joined her (both at work so got paid for it😃)
She then got kicked off site for some reason, by time she got back on she was over 20000th in queue.:flushed:

Thought it was funny she was not ‘on the ball’ with this stuff when you said,.as she usually is.
It looks like just me who is stuck in the 80s.:roll_eyes::joy:
Tbf I would be lost without her on all this kind of stuff.
I admit I rely on her far too much,.and she’s a great lass in every way.:sunglasses:

Also a LUCKY lass…as she has me.:joy:

Seems like it aint just the Mrs who has had this experience trying to buy tickets.

Looks sold out on Ticketmaster. That’s who I usually use.
83 fair play to him, he’ll earn a nice few quid also. Always preferred Jagger, even he’s 80 :laughing:

Remember when Stones played Old Trafford few years ago. Always wanted to see them but I wouldn’t pay the ticket prices lol. Would be a good night watching McCartney though. Hope you manage get some.

“Pre-sale tickets…” That explains it.

I’ve discovered first hand what all that is about: First sniff of tickets goes to people on a list that we mere mortals have no access to, yet the scalpers who populate Viagogo do (how, I do not know).

Pre-sale tickets are snapped up by these (expletives) and are instantly put up for sale on Viagogo at (minimum) three times their face value. The scalper has an account in some foreign country (Cyprus in my case). Once the credit card sale has gone through you are stuck with the rip-off situation, only if they fail to deliver do you have any chance of trying to get your money back.

The process of buying tickets, then all the palaver of getting into the gig, being barred from taking anything that already belongs to you - like a bottle of water - means paying to see a favourite artist makes you feel like they think they’re doing you a favour by you allowing them to take your money.

And don’t get me started on “dynamic ticket pricing”, which is where the more interest there is in tickets, the more the promoter is entitled to legally hike the prices up independently of the face that the costs of putting the gig on are not “dynamic”.

Mccarthy and james Gordon on car karaoke
If was filmed in Liverpool
Well worth a watch

You mean this…

i helped my friend get tickets for glasto (me staring at a screen wondering what the hell i would do if i got through) ended up one of the people he usualy goes with managed to get them despite being on a rickety internet connection somewhere in the rockies.

Aye, it’s a chore getting gig tickets these days, takes half the fun out of it

Apologies for going off post
A quick one, everyone no doubt has probably seen them, but for those that haven’t