M74/Fridge Trailers


Answer me this. How do you know whether that trailer has bananas on

Look inside!

So not only are you advocating damaging the load but you also want to further knacker up the job by breaking the seals?

Can do without [zb]s like you.



Answer me this. How do you know whether that trailer has bananas on

Look inside!

So not only are you advocating damaging the load but you also want to further knacker up the job by breaking the seals?

Can do without [zb]s like you.

Whats a ‘[zb]’ ? Is it good or bad?!

agree with silver surfer, its about being considerate , when i get to park up its early hrs so instead of waking everyone up by driving round looking for parking place i pull up just outside walk over and see what parking theres left then pick the one thats easiest to get parked without waking any one up.

agree with silver surfer, its about being considerate , when i get to park up its early hrs so instead of waking everyone up by driving round looking for parking place i pull up just outside walk over and see what parking theres left then pick the one thats easiest to get parked without waking any one up.

:open_mouth: Are you for real?

no just considerate, we havent all got the i couldnt give a toss about any one else attitude, try parking at heywood dist, pull up at toilet to have a leak, and wash when you get there, toilets on left before you go into lorry park then walk across road and look for quite place to park , takes seconds, how hards that, couldnt do it most places granted but you can there if your the considerate type. :unamused:

no just considerate, we havent all got the i couldnt give a toss about any one else attitude, try parking at heywood dist, pull up at toilet to have a leak, and wash when you get there, toilets on left before you go into lorry park then walk across road and look for quite place to park , takes seconds, how hards that, couldnt do it most places granted but you can there if your the considerate type. :unamused:

sorry toilets on the right

I was [zb] fuming so gave it an hour then slashed his curtain to shreds then [zb] off out of there. [zb]

That makes you as bad as the Muppet that turned your fridge off Rob, in fact a bigger one for openly admitting criminal damage on this forum, I mean why not go the whole hog and pull the fella’s pin too

I don’t know boys will be boys


I was [zb] fuming so gave it an hour then slashed his curtain to shreds then [zb] off out of there. [zb]

That makes you as bad as the Muppet that turned your fridge off Rob, in fact a bigger one for openly admitting criminal damage on this forum, I mean why not go the whole hog and pull the fella’s pin too

I don’t know boys will be boys

Ha, another do-gooder crawls out of the woodwork. If I could pull the pin without it making any noise then I most certainly would do :exclamation: . Any [zb]wit that [zb] with your fridge because they’re too stupid to realise that doing nights doesn’t guarantee them the same total silence that they get when kipping in their sacks deserves everything they get and more. It boils down to the old saying - if you don’t like getting burnt, don’t play with fire. :bulb:

Hmmmm, I would like to know how saying you’re a bigger Muppet than the guy that turned your fridge of makes me a do-gooder. Please explain. Btw I think the pair of you are a bunch of ■■■■■■■ idiots (just in case I didn’t make myself clear)

The fact is Rob the more I read your posts the more I think you talk a load of bull, I don’t think you slashed his curtains in fact half the rubbish you post more than likely has never happened, I just think you like to stir it up like a few others on here and judging by all you experiences you’ve allegedly had you should have retired 10 years ago pale, I know blokes that haven’t fitted in half of what you have in the 40 years they’ve been driving let alone have time to post 5722 times in just under 3 years, these guys have forgotten more than you will ever know, so tell me Rob how long have you had your Brief? I’d take a guess at 3 years maybe 4

Now put your money where your mouth is and tell us the name of that heavy haulage company that runs a fh12 500 with an i-shift at STGO 2 that you drove with 40 ton of plant on and the fh12 420 i-shift at STGO 1, you see I know a few good men that work up that way with the heavy’s and I want to ask them if they know anyone that works for them.

Hmmmm, I would like to know how saying you’re a bigger Muppet than the guy that turned your fridge of makes me a do-gooder. Please explain. Btw I think the pair of you are a bunch of [zb] idiots (just in case I didn’t make myself clear)

The fact is Rob the more I read your posts the more I think you talk a load of bull, I don’t think you slashed his curtains in fact half the rubbish you post more than likely has never happened,

Okay. You’re right! I made it all up!

I just think you like to stir it up like a few others on here and judging by all you experiences you’ve allegedly had you should have retired 10 years ago pale, I know blokes that haven’t fitted in half of what you have in the 40 years they’ve been driving

Hardly surprising as most work as an employee of a company for a lot of years.

let alone have time to post 5722 times in just under 3 years,

What’s the number of posts got to do with anything? There are members like Bob (Truckyboy) on here with only 100 or so posts and he’s done more than I’ll probably ever do in my entire lifetime. Just to further add fuel to your fire, you’ve forgotten about the umpteen posts on the old forums as well.

these guys have forgotten more than you will ever know,

:laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: If I’d got a quid for every time I’ve heard that since I’ve been driving I would be a very rich man. It’s always said by people like yourself who think they’re far superior to everyone else and is usually coupled with “I’ve done more miles in reverse than you have forwards”

so tell me Rob how long have you had your Brief? I’d take a guess at 3 years maybe 4

It’s well documented on here. Learn to use the search function but you’re not far wrong. I got my licence out of cereal packet too, did you know? :unamused:

Now put your money where your mouth is and tell us the name of that heavy haulage company that runs a fh12 500 with an i-shift at STGO 2 that you drove with 40 ton of plant on

It’s run by a bloke in Leeds called Steve Baird, but I don’t know if he trades as that or not, and moves machines for Spinks Demolition and also Demolition Contract Services. I don’t know where it came from as it was purchased 2nd hand.

and the fh12 420 i-shift at STGO 1, you see I know a few good men that work up that way with the heavy’s and I want to ask them if they know anyone that works for them.

V.V.S. ran it before they packed up.

Anymore questions? :stuck_out_tongue:

ady1 has hit it right on the head and it seems we are cut from the same cloth as I would do the same as you if I was pulling fridges although it seems most others couldn’t give a stuff. It’s also not fridge drivers V ambient argument which seems a bit stuipid, a lot of people drive both

It’s all about having a bit of consideration for others IF there is space to do it and the fridge can be de-activated for 45 minutes with no untoward consequences. All this full load of prawns and such scaremongering about food poising is over the top and not valid for a 45. Don’t some of the fridges have tortoise mode which is just a gentle tick over■■? Save you switching it off.

I never bought up turning off people’s fridges without their knowledge which I think is wrong. I would ASK them to turn it off (and if if I was a hard knock, maybe insist on it as well). I don’t expect it to be quiet but charging into a services with the revs going and sticking a fridge that’s going ten to the dozen next to someone who is kipping, is I think bad form.

Solved it now anyway, last night left the truck in the park and booked into the travelodge, sorted.

Lol ……You really need to look at what I wrote Rob, there’s nothing about me saying I’m superior to anyone else, I don’t think that, far from it, never boosted about “I’ve done this and I’ve done that” and I wouldn’t profess to know much about the industry I work in, I know enough to get by and ask the people that know when I need help, I think I’ve met enough drivers to know who’s a barrack room lawyer and who’s not

I just happen to think that people that mess around with other drivers Kit are Idiots for whatever reason its been done for and if that makes me a do-gooder then I am one.

It’s bad enough dealing with idiots on the road everyday, stupid traffic clerks (not all), TM’s and all the legal bolloxs you have to digest let alone making sure you don’t get ■■■■■■ over by guys that do the same job.

just use frigin ear plugs when ur havin a kip…that will keep noise levels down

Lol ……You really need to look at what I wrote Rob, there’s nothing about me saying I’m superior to anyone else, I don’t think that, far from it, never boosted about “I’ve done this and I’ve done that” and I wouldn’t profess to know much about the industry I work in, I know enough to get by and ask the people that know when I need help, I think I’ve met enough drivers to know who’s a barrack room lawyer and who’s not

I just happen to think that people that mess around with other drivers Kit are Idiots for whatever reason its been done for and if that makes me a do-gooder then I am one.

It’s bad enough dealing with idiots on the road everyday, stupid traffic clerks (not all), TM’s and all the legal [zb] you have to digest let alone making sure you don’t get [zb] over by guys that do the same job.

I agree :open_mouth: but if no-one teaches these [zb]wits a lesson that go around altering the temperature or turning the fridge off altogether then who will? Certainly not the plod. Maybe the penny dropped that the person responsible for “re-arranging” his curtains may have been the same person driving the fridge that he [zb] around with and will think twice before doing it again. :bulb:

Beats me why people can’t sleep next to a fridge.I sleep next to my wife everynight. :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Beats me why people can’t sleep next to a fridge.I sleep next to my wife everynight. :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

PURE CLASS :grimacing: :grimacing: CANT STOP LAUGHING :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

:grimacing: :grimacing: :grimacing: :grimacing: :grimacing:

After reading what DAfdave had to say…i can see and agree with keeping the fridge on…but on the same hand there r many jobs that don’t require a printout…most of the time u just turn up…give a made up temperature…or abouts…cos u can’t be arse to look at the fridge reading…and that’s it…Tesco’s being a good example…

In the same way u wouldn’t want anyone to disturb u when your sleeping…then out of basic fairness…your should respect others…and park as far away as u possibly can…Last night i pulled into the M1 services near Wakefield…with fridge…completely forgot about it…when it suddenly kicked in…immediately i looked around…thought people r sleeping here…let me move…parked on the hard shoulder at the start of the slip road…out of everyones way…and at no harm to myself…

How much effort or inconvience did it cause■■?..■■■■-all…

I once asked how long it would take to affect produce if the fridge was turned-off…‘A good few hrs’…was the reply…(that being from various companies…with different produce)…So 45mins…ain’t going to have naff all effect…just remember to switch it back on :open_mouth:

I’m sure Gobby Robby…just replies to be awkward for the sake of it…nobody can be that thick…then again… :unamused: :unamused:

Switching peoples fridge off…VERY NAUGHTY!!! :imp: :imp: :imp: :imp: :imp: :imp: