M74/Fridge Trailers


what a 42 carat plonka u really are.
oh how i would love to catch you messing with my fridge. u plick

Terry, if your fotograph is anything to go by, you look like i could go in your kitchen fridge and you wouldn’t notice, never mind your trailer!!

perhaps i,d just had a spliff.

You’re telling me that turning your fridge off for 45 minutes when you pull into a trailer park full of drivers trying to sleep will result in any adverse consequences? (apart from the miniscule amount of customers that require a printout and the bannana example:- you guys can leave them on because you have a valid reason). The temp would drop what 1 degree??

I wouldn’t switch a driver’s fridge off without their knowledge, if you read the original post I said If I was an angry man and could be arsed I would ask them to switch it off and then insist BUT I can’t fight for owt so yeah i’ll just get woken up by your fridge, listen to it for an hour, not being able to sleep then be knackered and try not to crash in to you the next day.

Why should I not do nights our Rob beacause someone else is inconsiderate? We all know your opinions on owner driver’s, give it a rest. Also I’m not an owner driver, I own five, (does this make me a haulier?) rarely run for less than £1.60 - £2 per mile and am doing ok out of it. I don’t have to drive myslef but still do because I enjoy it.

I’m also not talking about people who spend the whole night in the services with fridges as they usually pick their spot away from others or when you turn up you can choose to park away from them as it’s usually obvious they are spending the night.

The initial comment was that there is pretty much no justification for pulling in to a services in the middle of the night for a 45 minute break, parking RIGHT next to sleeping drivers and not knocking your fridge off until you are ready to leave and I stand by that. It’s purely being considerate towards others.Language used was a bit strong in the initial post but like I said I wouldn’t square up in life or do anything about it so a bit of bravado on the forums doesn’t hurt :smiley: And if one fridge driver turns his fridge off tonight whilst he’s having a break where normaly he wouldn’t have then it’s been worth it. :slight_smile:

if we had proper service area,s in the first place this wouldnt be a problem would it.
so is it ok for folk to say, cos your pulling a fridge your not allowed in the services incase you wake someone up?? bowlarks. if i need a 45 or to buy summik i,ll pull in and try and park away from the guys having a kip. BUT if theres nowhere else to park wot am i to do, ■■■■ my pants or worse?

No, pull in, get out switch it off whilst your there then switch it on just before you leave. Is that too much to ask? It’s what i’d do and what a lot of other people pulling fridges do to…

if we had proper service area,s in the first place this wouldnt be a problem would it.
so is it ok for folk to say, cos your pulling a fridge your not allowed in the services incase you wake someone up?? bowlarks. if i need a 45 or to buy summik i,ll pull in and try and park away from the guys having a kip. BUT if theres nowhere else to park wot am i to do, [zb] my pants or worse?

Totally agree. We’re not allowed in MSAs then in case we upset Mike and Silver trying to have their beauty sleep.


No, pull in, get out switch it off whilst your there then switch it on just before you leave. Is that too much to ask? It’s what i’d do and what a lot of other people pulling fridges do to…

Yes it is. You’re just being [zb] ridiculous. Stop being so [zb] selfish. We’ve got a job to do just like you have. Live with it.

Rob K:

No, pull in, get out switch it off whilst your there then switch it on just before you leave. Is that too much to ask? It’s what i’d do and what a lot of other people pulling fridges do to…

Yes it is. You’re just being [zb] ridiculous. Stop being so [zb] selfish. We’ve got a job to do just like you have. Live with it.

the more I read your posts the more I think your a ■■■■!!!


Rob K:

No, pull in, get out switch it off whilst your there then switch it on just before you leave. Is that too much to ask? It’s what i’d do and what a lot of other people pulling fridges do to…

Yes it is. You’re just being [zb] ridiculous. Stop being so [zb] selfish. We’ve got a job to do just like you have. Live with it.

the more I read your posts the more I think your a ■■■■!!!

And you’re telling me this because?

Although i drove for 34yrs away from home most of the time,i never pulled a fridge.I used to get annoyed when wakened by a fridge but as a few posts have said its part of the job and you have to grin and bear it. Over the yrs.i have spoken to fridge drivers and had the finer points of the job explained to me i.e.how temps have to be adhered to,how loads can be refused if it is detected that the fridge has been switched off by means of checking onboard temp. graphs thus resulting in lost time and a lot of money.In all my time on the road i never switched a fridge off and i recomend nobody else does As the lads say they are only doing a job the same as you.

regards dave

Rob K:


Rob K:

No, pull in, get out switch it off whilst your there then switch it on just before you leave. Is that too much to ask? It’s what i’d do and what a lot of other people pulling fridges do to…

Yes it is. You’re just being [zb] ridiculous. Stop being so [zb] selfish. We’ve got a job to do just like you have. Live with it.

the more I read your posts the more I think your a ■■■■!!!

And you’re telling me this because?

just felt the need. the same as you feel the need to post alot of the swollocks that you do

Okay thanks for pointing that out to me. Glad you feel better for it.

Rob K:
Okay thanks for pointing that out to me. Glad you feel better for it.

after all a man with 46 posts to his cred must know it all.

i think your a ■■■■ to use ur words.
have you any idea how much a full load of 26 pallets of—lets say prawns or fish,or fresh fruit that has been hauled from say spain at correct temperature etc costs. thought not.have you any idea of the consequences of ruining said load would be, just so you got your beauty sleep.

like i said b4. BOWLARKS.

and the sdame goes to any other amateure thinking of switching some guys fridge off

this switching off of a fridges cooler is dangerous ,because if the fridge
is carrying chemicals they may decide to go bang when the temperture
gets too high,the same goes for certain tankers or containers who also use
systems to keep certain products either warm or cold,ALSO YOU will ruin the load and that can turn out to be exspensive when caught,

at some not all of the truckstops in europe there are points for the fridges to use this would not be a bad idea for some stops to look into over here in the UK:

You’re telling me that turning your fridge off for 45 minutes when you pull into a trailer park full of drivers trying to sleep will result in any adverse consequences? (apart from the miniscule amount of customers that require a printout and the bannana example:- you guys can leave them on because you have a valid reason). The temp would drop what 1 degree??

Answer me this. How do you know whether that trailer has bananas on or the customer they’re going to takes a printout?

And in summer on a night it could rise a good 10C in 45 minutes.

Do these muppets who advocate turning off another drivers fridge actually consider that they could end up eating the results of their action?

Answer me this. How do you know whether that trailer has bananas on

Look inside!

or the customer they’re going to takes a printout?

See if he asks for one?

they also put a recording device hidden amongst the load as
a second means of checking that the goods have been
properly looked after and yes they will reject the load if it
is proven that standards are not meet,

Turn my fridge off and ill break your neck!! :imp: :imp: Some fella turned my fridge off one night, so i got me own back, turned the fridge back on, switched me tractor engine on, and ive got surround sound in my cab, and watched a DVD with full cinema sound experience - They was lucky it wasnt the pink floyd dvd :smiley: :smiley:

Its always the English or the Germans to complain about anyrthing, ive been disturbed a few times requesting that i dont park next to them, and ask if i HAVE to park next to them - WELL YES THERES NOWHERE ELSE TO PARK AND JUST BECAUSE IM A REEFER DRIVER DOESNT MEEN IM EXEMPT FROM DRIVERS HOURS RULES :grimacing: :grimacing: :grimacing: :grimacing: :grimacing:

Wether im asleep or driving or whatever im subconciously monitoring the fridge at all time without even thinking about it, and i soon know when somethings up with it, believe me when i say that - Ive even got a wireless thermometer so i can keep an eye on the fridge temperature at all times :grimacing: :grimacing:

I say its jelousy cos they cant drive on a sunday in france or germany, the look of envy on some of the faces when you pull off from a break on a sunday :grimacing: :grimacing: :grimacing: :grimacing: :grimacing:

There are some (ZBs) on here, so i am carrying Prawns which i think can be worth £250,000 for a load and some muppet switches my fridge off, now i am not getting in trouble for anyone so i switch it back on and get it tipped. Now all of the wifes of the idiots who are moaning about turning fridges off go and buy my prawns and have a party, then all the people at the party have a prawn. The consequences could be horrific, anyone had salmonella poisioning on here :open_mouth: