Yesterday 20/08/04 at approx 16:00 i was going over a bridge that went over the toll motorway and noticed that westbound was jammed solid it was miles from the nearest toll plaza so i don`t know what the problem was. when i went under the M6 on the A461 the M6 seemed to be running okay. i never heard anything on the radio but it seemed to me that a lot of people were paying for the priveledge of being stuck in traffic!!!
News reports were saying queues were building up behind the pay booths because car drivers didn’t realixe the toll had gone up so didn’t have the right change…
Duugghhhh, typical car drivers not looking at signs…
Duugghhhh, typical car drivers not looking at signs…
Be fair … the signs with the charges on really aren’t that big are they
They should be made so that they reflect an image just before the end of their bonnet - they may see it then
The reason was there has been a pop concert V2004 at Weston park on the A5 30,000 were expected to go. The queing was from jnct 12 of the M6 expect to have the same problems Sunday afternoon when the concert finishes. Also the toll booths could not cope with the amount of traffic and I actually was waved through to keep the trafic moving only to comre to a halt where the toll and the M6 merged.