If you dont already know the M6 Toll is going to be free for truck drivers the whole month of July.
Now that I find interesting.Just after the toll road had opened I was parked in Tamworth for the night and went to the local pub.3 guys were playing darts and asked me to join in,
as useless at darts as I am.Usual conversation,what do you do.These guys had been navvies on the toll road, me obviously a lorry driver. ‘Not built for you lot’ says one,‘it was built at a
price not a quality, you lot on it in any great numbers,shouldn’t last a week,it’ll disintegrate’.I have always thought that might have been why the toll seemed high for commercials,
to keep us lot away so this monthly freebie could reveal a lot.Then you consider if at the end of the month the road has disintegrated the owners could claim all those overweight
lorries have destroyed the road and H.M.Government can pick up the tab,sorted.
Only ever been on it once so it’s present condition I haven’t a clue.
Not the full story that article. Your company have to be a member of the RHA and I saw something a couple of weeks ago but didn’t read it in any detail but your company had to sign up to using it for free by a certain date too, a sort of registration to use the road for free AFAIK
Your company have to be a member of the RHA and I saw something a couple of weeks ago but didn’t read it in any detail but your company had to sign up to using it for free by a certain date too, a sort of registration to use the road for free AFAIK
Spot on, the offer is open to members of the RHA only and the closing date was May 17th.
It was a loss leader like the wild Rocket on the Asda bottom shelf