M6 today---what was it?


Back on the original topic. how does the driver open the window to use the intercom at a works entrance?

and Tolls :stuck_out_tongue:

And I hope they have good air conditioning in thisā€¦ As with all that glass it could go really hotā€¦


44 Tonne Ton:


44 Tonne Ton:
Centre steer? Nothing new!

Indeed. Land Rover 1947

Just curious, was that ever put into production?

Thatā€™s a good question 44TT.

The one in the pic is either the original Jeep/Land Rover hybrid which was later dismantled, reason unknown, or one of the 48 pre production vehicles.
Looking at the shape of it, iā€™d go for the former.

80" Series 1 production began in 1948. Some of these original vehicles still survive today.

For those who are interested much more information can be found about the history of Land Rover by Googling.

The prototype built by Maurice Wilks based on a Jeep.
Land Rover fans are looking in barns everywhere to try to find a centre steer,rare as the proverbial rocking horse **** and would be worth a fortune if one was found.