M6 today---what was it?

It’s all very well to streamline a truck… But I wonder just how much of the available energy it takes to push the normal brick shape through the air at 90kph? I imagine most of the effort would be overcoming rolling resistance and gravity.

Just to show that centre steer is nothing new for French as well:

Prefered the Renault ‘Virage’ myself later to become the AE 500 Magnum, a revolution in design epecially from an EU driver’s point of view :smiley: :smiley:

Renault Virage is an aussie name for Renault 12, which later become Dacia :smiley: :smiley:

Being serious: it’s not commonly known, but Renault Virage (then Magnum) had some copyright issues with Bielorussian manufacturer MAZ. The Renault truck was, diplomaticly speaking, “inspired” by one of their projects (I am not sure if I found the correct picture):

It look different but all technical basis are the same.

They later reached an agreement and that’s why you can sometimes see BY, RUS or other ex-USSR registered Magnums displaying

instead of Renault one - a part of the agreement was that they will be manufactured (or sold) in Bielarus under that name. This is not the only sin of Renault when it’s about excessive “inspiration”. Similar story was with previous version of Renault Twingo (which wasn’t sold in UK):

Unfortunately the Polish creators of the Beskid car did not keept their copyrights for longer, so day after the rights expired Renault introduced it’s “revolutionary” car…

It’s a good revolution, done 15 years earlier in Poland under martial law… :slight_smile:

the design come from a famous designer who has done quite a few of these trucks

here are a few pictures


and here a collection HERE

Anyone happen to know how the driver gets in & out? -can’t see steps or door.

door on the back wall of cab. “edit” although after looking it up on internet there are pictures of the left hand drive trucks with a door and steps on the left side.
darkroastedblend.com/2006/12 … olani.html


Anyone happen to know how the driver gets in & out? -can’t see steps or door.



44 Tonne Ton:
Centre steer? Nothing new!

Indeed. Land Rover 1947

Just curious, was that ever put into production?

re mirrros and monitors
think i read in mag that when whole of country has gone digital they will
be able to have tv s for rear veiw work

But that scania is quite cool:

Except for that:


As for Colani: This steam engine is quite cool:

Cannot understand why the thing was near Coventry going North unless the sat-nav has packed up and it was supposed to be at the IAA show in Hangover :laughing:

if you go to this link i posted earlier you get more trains ,planes.automobiles of colani.
this one…
darkroastedblend.com/2006/12 … olani.html
near the bottom of page you can go to his other designs.

if you go to this link i posted earlier you get more trains ,planes.automobiles of colani.
this one…
darkroastedblend.com/2006/12 … olani.html
near the bottom of page you can go to his other designs.

I really, really like this steam engine:

i thought it was a steam iron… :slight_smile: some strange people about. :slight_smile:

Nah it was something like this?

I saw it going north on the m1 earlier after junction 10 think its a Mercedes concept not sure :neutral_face: mind you tat logo at the front is suzuki?

wonder how long it will be before ESL get one & mo will be piloting it,infact it looks like williams pa’s rear. :laughing: :laughing:


44 Tonne Ton:


44 Tonne Ton:
Centre steer? Nothing new!

Indeed. Land Rover 1947

Just curious, was that ever put into production?

That’s a good question 44TT.

The one in the pic is either the original Jeep/Land Rover hybrid which was later dismantled, reason unknown, or one of the 48 pre production vehicles.
Looking at the shape of it, i’d go for the former.

80" Series 1 production began in 1948. Some of these original vehicles still survive today.

For those who are interested much more information can be found about the history of Land Rover by Googling.

Back on the original topic. how does the driver open the window to use the intercom at a works entrance?

Back on the original topic. how does the driver open the window to use the intercom at a works entrance?

and Tolls :stuck_out_tongue:

I saw the truck Friday afternoon on the M1 it was going northbound just short of the M6 split. For some reason and I hesitate to put this but I thought it had something to do with the dairy trade as it resembled a COW(fire away with the insults) :open_mouth: :open_mouth: Not sure if I need carting off to the funny farm but I am glad somebody else saw it.

I must be the odd one out, I kinda like it. If they could change the mirrors to cameras and redesign the windscreen wipers and downturned mouth at the front. the only problem with them units is if you need to do a tight reverse, you need to lean out of the window…