M5 on Monday

Well it might just be me but…

I drove down to our Truro Depot yesterday ( left Bristol at 1500) and I can honestly say the standard of driving displayed by the vast majority of road users was a hell of a lot better than normal. Decent gaps left between each vehicle and generally a much safer and less stressful journey.

Perhaps the accident hit home with a lot of people…Can’t see it lasting though unfortunately!!

People were still tailgating in lane 3 at 80mph or more yesterday. And flying through fog on A38 this morning.

So IMO it hasn’t taught them anything :frowning:

People were still tailgating in lane 3 at 80mph or more yesterday. And flying through fog on A38 this morning.

So IMO it hasn’t taught them anything :frowning:

A read of the post by Max Torque may explain it -
CLICKY and scroll down a bit

Maybe on the M5 people were being more careful than usual because of the publicity but elsewhere, not IME. I experienced a few what seemed to me to be risky overtakes in the dark and wet on a not very good main road near Rugby yest (but they must have been locals with better knowledge than I) and there were 2 overturned cars in hedges near Daventry and on the A420 this morning. People forget very quickly IMO so perhaps it’s useful to have a bit of a nasty reminder like a near miss every now and then so as to not become complacent. ROG, quite an interesting post on that website. It seems to me that many accidents such as that on the M5 could be seen a rapid series of mini accidents, each caused by the one in front or caused by a previous major incident (such as ploughing into the back of a queue). Whoever slowed (or whatever they did with the person behind) started it off, and it only stopped when those at the rear (presumably with some reasonable visibility) did not plough into the vehicles stopped in front, obviously. Ultimately, one mistake or bit of bad luck possibly caused the cascade of accidents to happen. Also, like a plane crash, car crashes only really make big news when they’re really bad; someone must die on the roads just about every single day. But it does seem like there’s been a few lately.