M25 Yesterday

I’ve just read a news report about the crash on the M25 yesterday between the A12 /M11. 23yr old lorrydriver arrested.

23 FFS!!! I feel for all those affected by this tradgedy. Anyone got any thoughts on this?

I’ve just read a news report about the crash on the M25 yesterday between the A12 /M11. 23yr old lorrydriver arrested.

23 FFS!!! I feel for all those affected by this tradgedy. Anyone got any thoughts on this?

Not sure what your point is here?

The law allows someone 21 or over to drive LGV’s (ok, 18 now)…

I remember a “lorry” causing a fatal on the M4 near Heston a few years back. Once you’d got past the screaming headlines about the killer lorry it turns out it was a Sprinter van full of beer kegs! :imp:


I’ve just read a news report about the crash on the M25 yesterday between the A12 /M11. 23yr old lorrydriver arrested.

23 FFS!!! I feel for all those affected by this tradgedy. Anyone got any thoughts on this?

Not sure what your point is here?

The law allows someone 21 or over to drive LGV’s (ok, 18 now)…

Yeah dint exactly make my point. (half asleep)

What i’m trying to say is that at 23 this young man’s life has just taken a tragic turn for the worse. (and yes i know that one person is dead) But how many witnesses can say what actually happened. Was this young man a victim of circumstances? Is this scenario going to increase with the advent of the age limit being lowered to 18? At 18 most are still very much immature. The young driver scheme’s were heavily ruled.

What’s to protect the young/niaeve in the future? We all now how selfish car pilots can be. Was this another one of those moments?

such a shame , condolnces to them concerned

bit more shed off light


Same old story isn’t it theres an hgv involved so its gotta be the lorry drivers faullt don’t matter about some of the idiotic car drivers that we have to deal with on a doily basis

‘… Anyone got any thoughts on this?..’

Having enjoyed a clockwise jaunt by another route and returning when it was beautifully clear, maybe maintain the two second rule - both as an overtaker & overtakee?