M25 Speed cameras

Last night I took a mate and his missus to Gatwick from Norfolk. As i was travelling in the dead of night i spent the most of the journey doing about 80.
Haven’t been down that way for a while but someone just told me the gantry cameras are always active now! Is this right that they now snap everyone who speeds past i.e over 70mph. If so I guess il be expecting a few letters as I must have gone past a lot between M11 & M23

80 on your speedo is actually … ?

Doubt if they bother with you unless over a real 80 (not speedo 80)

The camera’s on the M25 still ‘flash’ like any other speed camera would.
You see them flash from time to time and at night they really light up the whole section of road.

The camera’s on the M25 still ‘flash’ like any other speed camera would.
You see them flash from time to time and at night they really light up the whole section of road.

There you go…

No flash, keep the cash :smiley: so now there is no POINTS in being worried :laughing:

Cheers guys, didn’t realise they still flashed and certainly didn’t see any flash going off so will assume I’m ok.

real 80 (not speedo 80)

I’ve known some to be accurate so I wouldn’t always be sure they’re over-reading. Also, aren’t the tolerances on these camera’s higher than the usual 10% +2 mph?

As you went over the Dartford Crossing you may not have noticed that there are now 50mph camera’s on the approach to both the Bridge and the Tunnels with signs stating that the camera’s are now in use.
I haven’t heard of anyone being fined yet but there are plenty of vehicles going faster than 50mph past them.
No doubt we will hear of someone being fined soon.
You have been warned!

As you went over the Dartford Crossing you may not have noticed that there are now 50mph camera’s on the approach to both the Bridge and the Tunnels with signs stating that the camera’s are now in use.
I haven’t heard of anyone being fined yet but there are plenty of vehicles going faster than 50mph past them.
No doubt we will hear of someone being fined soon.
You have been warned!

this must be in the middle of the night then, because you could only get to 50 meters per hour in the day time :unamused:


As you went over the Dartford Crossing you may not have noticed that there are now 50mph camera’s on the approach to both the Bridge and the Tunnels with signs stating that the camera’s are now in use.
I haven’t heard of anyone being fined yet but there are plenty of vehicles going faster than 50mph past them.
No doubt we will hear of someone being fined soon.
You have been warned!

this must be in the middle of the night then, because you could only get to 50 meters per hour in the day time :unamused:

Yes that’s true.
However you would be suprised at the speed we can up to, to get over the Bridge.
As I never speed anywhere, (cough cough), I am still overtaken at the bottom of the Bridge or up to the Tunnels on a regular basis.

I was travelling south through dartford section about 3am and north about 4am.

I noticed the specs cameras coming back north had “speed cameras now in use” signs but I can’t say I noticed them on the south section, although I did stick to 50 over the bridge.

Saw some other specs cameras around probably J3 southbound but no signs and could barely make them out in the dark.