M20 road to rail demonstrators

New Gateway rail head,may not open due to enviromental campaigners.As will affect local area.I thought the governement wanted all the trucks off the road in favour of rail freight.Thats untill the goods need to be delivered once arrived at a rail depot.The do gooders and pc brigade now do not want a rail depot in their pretty countryside spoing the views,and the same time dont want a truck near their back yard too.

Those sorts of people get right on my ■■■■, I won’t elaborate on that point, think it says enough on its own to be honest :imp:

Too right Garner - they’re the sort that whinge about the price of leccy and then petition against wind farms.

(Other examples of nobbers are available.) :laughing:

The Govt has targets to meet, usually set, as a result, by the constant said whinging of said nobbers. At the end of the day, they’re all for it - if its insomeone elses territory.

greenies :imp:

how often do they shout the odds about something and when they get their way and reality kicks in, they change their minds? i have a scientist friend who reckons trains are more damaging than trucks with regards to CO2 emissions ton for ton. he has confirmed my suspicions that it is all cobblers anyway as CO2 emissions are currently below average and this whole hype is nonsense. still, if they want to concentrate more HGV traffic on specifically concentrated areas (rail hubs), then im sure the local drivers will appreciate the extra jobs that will be needed :laughing:

To back this up…

A lot of the Locos in service on the rail network, and im talking diesels here, the engines are still the basic design that was designed back in te 40/50s, and doing voluteer work on the local heritage mending and driving class 47/37 I will agree, these lumps are very basic, very smokey and no doubt very un green…

But I love em, esp going into the tunnel, long blast on the horns and then power on, V12 power rules…