M11 restricted overtaking

Every time Jeremy vine mentions HGV’s I cringe and reach for the off switch because I know they are going to get a mouth breathing moron ring in and confirm in the general populations small minds that all truck drivers are indeed sub human. Sure enough, this Friday was no exception thanks to the north west guy…thanks ‘pal’. The welsh driver did go some way to redressing the balance but was too little too late. I’m starting to think the BBC has an agenda by letting the most retarded sounding driver have his say on air or am I just being paranoid because in reality those of us with a modicum of intelligence have either switched off or know the cause is lost so CBA ringing in?

I weep for the future [emoji25]

I agree with you,as I said it would have been nice to have a hgv driver on who could deliver a good argument to this stupid suzy woman,the driver who did come on did not help our side at all


Every time Jeremy vine mentions HGV’s I cringe and reach for the off switch because I know they are going to get a mouth breathing moron ring in and confirm in the general populations small minds that all truck drivers are indeed sub human. Sure enough, this Friday was no exception thanks to the north west guy…thanks ‘pal’. The welsh driver did go some way to redressing the balance but was too little too late. I’m starting to think the BBC has an agenda by letting the most retarded sounding driver have his say on air or am I just being paranoid because in reality those of us with a modicum of intelligence have either switched off or know the cause is lost so CBA ringing in?

I weep for the future [emoji25]

I agree with you,as I said it would have been nice to have a hgv driver on who could deliver a good argument to this stupid suzy woman,the driver who did come on did not help our side at all

Glad I am not the only one who cringed when the mention of HGV’s came on the radio. You just know they will have some knuckle dragging half-wit on who is supposedly speaking for us. Can I just say on here…YOU DON’T SPEAK FOR ME…or a majority of drivers.
This slim majority are the ones who did not mash gearboxes back in the day and so are not to blame for the advent of the autobox, and neither are we the ones who recklessly pull into the middle lane causing chaos and then expecting other HGV’s to slow down so we can gain a 1 mph advantage. So we will not take the blame for this overtaking ban either.
The drivers who can’t see a corner without cutting it are the ones responsible for this creeping infringement of things we should be able to take for granted. (like being trusted to act professionally).
Think before you act like an arseh*le. If I see one more post talking about ‘car drivers’ I might lose it. We are all ‘car drivers’ as well as professional truck drivers, so you know how dangerous and annoying it is when a truck pulls into the middle lane with the bare minimum of indication causing you to brake. A clear contravention of the Highway Code, bad manners and just plain ignorance too.

Think before you act like an arseh*le. If I see one more post talking about ‘car drivers’ I might lose it. We are all ‘car drivers’ as well as professional truck drivers, so you know how dangerous and annoying it is when a truck pulls into the middle lane with the bare minimum of indication causing you to brake. A clear contravention of the Highway Code, bad manners and just plain ignorance too.

I’m the only one to mention car drivers so what problem do you have with what I have said? I most certainly never said it acceptable to pull out in front of cars without care and consideration :confused:
All I alluded to was a call for an overtaking ban seemed a bit unreasonable as potential delays was in the order of a few minutes, of course trucks shouldn’t elephant race but other road users have to accept lorries are a vital part of our economy and they too have a right to make good progress.

Sorry Bluey, did not even read that in your post. Was just making a general point about there being a ‘them and us’ attitude with some drivers on the forum. I agree with your point about all road users being able to make good progress but not at the expense of road safety.

Every time Jeremy vine mentions HGV’s I cringe and reach for the off switch because I know they are going to get a mouth breathing moron ring in and confirm in the general populations small minds that all truck drivers are indeed sub human. Sure enough, this Friday was no exception thanks to the north west guy…thanks ‘pal’. The welsh driver did go some way to redressing the balance but was too little too late. I’m starting to think the BBC has an agenda by letting the most retarded sounding driver have his say on air or am I just being paranoid because in reality those of us with a modicum of intelligence have either switched off or know the cause is lost so CBA ringing in?

I weep for the future [emoji25]

Anything and everything Jeremy ■■■■■■■■■■■■ Vine ever talks about on the radio is total pish, with the most bigoted and/or brain dead “participants” being chosen to give their input. It might help if ■■■■■■■■■■■■ himself actually had a clue about anything, but sadly (and all too obviously) he does not. The man is a naive idiot. Simplest answer is to do what I do and change to a different channel between noon and 2pm (or simply turn the idiot squawkbox off completely and listen to the engine instead). Either approach works wonders for my blood pressure.

Bluey Circles:
All I alluded to was a call for an overtaking ban seemed a bit unreasonable as potential delays was in the order of a few minutes, of course trucks shouldn’t elephant race but other road users have to accept lorries are a vital part of our economy and they too have a right to make good progress.

So what you’re now saying is that it’s OK for two idiots in trucks to hold a line of other traffic up for a few minutes as they play the sadly typical overtaking games, but it’s not all right for a lorry to have to back off a little bit (for a few minutes) to prevent things like that from happening.

You couldn’t make this kind of rubbish up.

Get used to these overtaking bans because there will be more of them. And they will all come about thanks to the antics of the half-witted, hard-of-thinking element among lorry drivers, a proportion that seems to become more prominent by the day.

Good job I have no issue running at 53.

Olog Hai:

Bluey Circles:
All I alluded to was a call for an overtaking ban seemed a bit unreasonable as potential delays was in the order of a few minutes, of course trucks shouldn’t elephant race but other road users have to accept lorries are a vital part of our economy and they too have a right to make good progress.

So what you’re now saying is that it’s OK for two idiots in trucks to hold a line of other traffic up for a few minutes as they play the sadly typical overtaking games, but it’s not all right for a lorry to have to back off a little bit (for a few minutes) to prevent things like that from happening.

You couldn’t make this kind of rubbish up.

I really am genuinely puzzled by you response,

I have never said it was OK to elephant race, in fact I clearly said it was not OK. And I have never said it is not ok to choose a wise moment to make an overtake and keep hold backs to a minimum.

I will give it one last go, and if you still don’t understand then we will just leave it there as I don’t know how to explain it in any other way; An overtaking ban for trucks seems a bit unreasonable as the delays caused even by those who elephant race are so minimal - as pointed out earlier, a pair of eejits elephant racing for a quarter of the entire length of the M11 can only delay a law abiding car driver by 3 minutes! Surely a 3 minute delay for anyone is not worth penalising the vast amount of truckers who overtake in a courteous manner,
13 mile at 56mph = 14 minutes
13 mile at 70mph = 11 minutes
so there we have it, car driver feels held up for 14 minutes but in truth has only been delayed by 3 minutes.

anyway, I’m off driving a tractor on a farm most of next week so won’t be able to try and explain it any more - but seriously I do think we are on the same side on this one, I must not be explaining it well enough.

Bluey Circles:

Olog Hai:

Bluey Circles:
All I alluded to was a call for an overtaking ban seemed a bit unreasonable as potential delays was in the order of a few minutes, of course trucks shouldn’t elephant race but other road users have to accept lorries are a vital part of our economy and they too have a right to make good progress.

So what you’re now saying is that it’s OK for two idiots in trucks to hold a line of other traffic up for a few minutes as they play the sadly typical overtaking games, but it’s not all right for a lorry to have to back off a little bit (for a few minutes) to prevent things like that from happening.

You couldn’t make this kind of rubbish up.

I really am genuinely puzzled by you response,

I have never said it was OK to elephant race, in fact I clearly said it was not OK. And I have never said it is not ok to choose a wise moment to make an overtake and keep hold backs to a minimum.

I will give it one last go, and if you still don’t understand then we will just leave it there as I don’t know how to explain it in any other way; An overtaking ban for trucks seems a bit unreasonable as the delays caused even by those who elephant race are so minimal - as pointed out earlier, a pair of eejits elephant racing for a quarter of the entire length of the M11 can only delay a law abiding car driver by 3 minutes! Surely a 3 minute delay for anyone is not worth penalising the vast amount of truckers who overtake in a courteous manner,
13 mile at 56mph = 14 minutes
13 mile at 70mph = 11 minutes
so there we have it, car driver feels held up for 14 minutes but in truth has only been delayed by 3 minutes.

anyway, I’m off driving a tractor on a farm most of next week so won’t be able to try and explain it any more - but seriously I do think we are on the same side on this one, I must not be explaining it well enough.

I get where you’re coming from with your maths and in theory you’re right but in practice it’s not quite that simple. If your example happened to a few cars once in their journey then yeah, no big deal but it won’t just happen once so over a long stretch of 2 lane hilly road such as the M11 or the A34 the time lost stacks up. Then there’s the domino effect from each car braking slightly harder than the one in front which quite quickly can bring the whole road to a standstill at peak traffic times affecting even your fellow ‘knights of the road’.
On balance there is no perfect solution and the overtake ban will be a P.I.T.A to light/empty runners but that’s the price to be paid because of the elephant racers and our inadequate roads.

After this overtaking ban comes in, I wonder how long it takes for one of us to get a blaring horn & a brake check for not yielding to let someone in from the slip road.

Interesting how trucks being in lane 2 is never an issue in those circumstances.

If everyone ran a couple of clicks under the limiter, the world would be a happier place :grimacing:

Glad I am not the only one who cringed when the mention of HGV’s came on the radio. You just know they will have some knuckle dragging half-wit on who is supposedly speaking for us. Can I just say on here…YOU DON’T SPEAK FOR ME…or a majority of drivers.
This slim majority are the ones who did not mash gearboxes back in the day and so are not to blame for the advent of the autobox, and neither are we the ones who recklessly pull into the middle lane causing chaos and then expecting other HGV’s to slow down so we can gain a 1 mph advantage. So we will not take the blame for this overtaking ban either.
The drivers who can’t see a corner without cutting it are the ones responsible for this creeping infringement of things we should be able to take for granted. (like being trusted to act professionally).
Think before you act like an arseh*le. If I see one more post talking about ‘car drivers’ I might lose it. We are all ‘car drivers’ as well as professional truck drivers, so you know how dangerous and annoying it is when a truck pulls into the middle lane with the bare minimum of indication causing you to brake. A clear contravention of the Highway Code, bad manners and just plain ignorance too.


Olog Hai:

Bluey Circles:
All I alluded to was a call for an overtaking ban seemed a bit unreasonable as potential delays was in the order of a few minutes, of course trucks shouldn’t elephant race but other road users have to accept lorries are a vital part of our economy and they too have a right to make good progress.

So what you’re now saying is that it’s OK for two idiots in trucks to hold a line of other traffic up for a few minutes as they play the sadly typical overtaking games, but it’s not all right for a lorry to have to back off a little bit (for a few minutes) to prevent things like that from happening.

You couldn’t make this kind of rubbish up.

Get used to these overtaking bans because there will be more of them. And they will all come about thanks to the antics of the half-witted, hard-of-thinking element among lorry drivers, a proportion that seems to become more prominent by the day.

Absolutely on the nail!

Went down m11 this morning, thank god it don’t kick in till 7am, 530 am knock auto box into manual gear 11 as you pass a11 slip, lane 2 56mph all the way to the top unless you encounter 2 momentum monkeys elephant racing, running out of stream neither backing down, grrrrr…

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I just came south down the M11 a couple of hours ago and noticed that the sign had been sprayed over. Is this trucker vandalism or have they put the plan on hold?

Also noticed that there was no “end” sign, so are we supposed to adhere to it all the way to the 3 lan section, or all the way to the bottom?

Bluey Circles:

Every time Jeremy vine mentions HGV’s I cringe and reach for the off switch because I know they are going to get a mouth breathing moron ring in and confirm in the general populations small minds that all truck drivers are indeed sub human. Sure enough, this Friday was no exception thanks to the north west guy…thanks ‘pal’. The welsh driver did go some way to redressing the balance but was too little too late. I’m starting to think the BBC has an agenda by letting the most retarded sounding driver have his say on air or am I just being paranoid because in reality those of us with a modicum of intelligence have either switched off or know the cause is lost so CBA ringing in?

I weep for the future [emoji25]

I have just listened to it on iPlayer - what a car crash of a piece, and yes, do the beeb search for the stupidest folk out there to ring in or do they use actors? Was Simon from Bolton played by Peter Kay’s Max character? - I loved the delayed response to the womans idiot remarks about putting it all on the trains - ‘What on earth is she on about, give the lady a banana’ - brilliant.

I think the program just summed up the unrealistic hopes of all these clowns who have spent more money than they can afford on a car they don’t need. The truth of the matter is; even if they had to drive the entire length of the M11 behind two box jockeys racing each other on their limiters - they would only have been delayed by 11 minutes, YES 11 MINUTES. (and the fuel they would save travelling at 56 instead of 70- could equate to as much as £16 an hour - they should be grateful for the safer more economical, more environmentally friendly journey) Elephant racing clearly has more positives than negatives - more of it would not be a bad thing.[+222]

I start early y, i allow for deleays on route, so to all the people moaning ,all y need to do is get up early, then you can get on the motorway come off the next exit and haho happy days, but no y wont.it aint just about u we all have some were to be, so y get held up for 2 minit,get over it, and as for pulling out with 1 flash, if you did not go faster to stop me it would not happen, im not asking im telling u what im going to do, yes u the jerk in the merc,if no body on here dont get it no,one gives a ■■■■ any more,it aint just lorry drivers that act like a ■■■■ ed, its the lot of us , do car driver care about lorry NO so xxxx em,

the maoster:
I just came south down the M11 a couple of hours ago and noticed that the sign had been sprayed over. Is this trucker vandalism or have they put the plan on hold?

Also noticed that there was no “end” sign, so are we supposed to adhere to it all the way to the 3 lan section, or all the way to the bottom?

scotch corner

The sign going north says end in 1 mile, which is about or just after the A11/M11 split, that is just a bigger accident waiting to happen, all them in lane 2 trying to get off at the last second, well good luck with that, has no one looked at this, mark my words it will happen, :cry:

I start early y, i allow for deleays on route, so to all the people moaning ,all y need to do is get up early, then you can get on the motorway come off the next exit and haho happy days, but no y wont.it aint just about u we all have some were to be, so y get held up for 2 minit,get over it, and as for pulling out with 1 flash, if you did not go faster to stop me it would not happen, im not asking im telling u what im going to do, yes u the jerk in the merc,if no body on here dont get it no,one gives a [zb] any more,it aint just lorry drivers that act like a ■■■■ ed, its the lot of us , do car driver care about lorry NO so xxxx em,

agree 100%