
Is this relevant -
Most users ever online was 284 on Sun Jan 24, 2010 8:38 pm

Totally irrelevant :smiling_imp:

Hello, I know of several old very experienced ex Middle East men who lurk on this site quite often but who wish not to post on here. As some of them are over seventy they find it a bit difficult to type, send photo’s or like myself they some times struggle to get the spelling, grammer and the punctuation right. As some of us are now realising that memories do fade away with age it’s through this site that rekindle a lot of those old happy days of decades ago. Some of these elder Trucknet members keep in touch with me with P.M.'s and e-mails and a couple of them find it a lot easier to phone me now and again. One of the reasons why they won’t post on here is because that they might not get some recollection spot on or entirely accurate and they are a bit worried that somebody might pull them up :open_mouth: . I am now finding out that if you don’t keep up with technology it seems that sometimes we are not even in the same race :cry: .

Hello, I know of several old very experienced ex Middle East men who lurk on this site quite often but who wish not to post on here. As some of them are over seventy they find it a bit difficult to type, send photo’s or like myself they some times struggle to get the spelling, grammer and the punctuation right. As some of us are now realising that memories do fade away with age it’s through this site that rekindle a lot of those old happy days of decades ago. Some of these elder Trucknet members keep in touch with me with P.M.'s and e-mails and a couple of them find it a lot easier to phone me now and again. One of the reasons why they won’t post on here is because that they might not get some recollection spot on or entirely accurate and they are a bit worried that somebody might pull them up :open_mouth: . I am now finding out that if you don’t keep up with technology it seems that sometimes we are not even in the same race :cry: .

Hi mushroomman, Spelling, grammar and punctuation have been ruled as unimportant, so the guys need have no fear on that score. :wink:

The thing about memories is that they fade, it’s part of the human condition and it includes me :blush:

All that’s needed is that somebody puts something as a question, or prefaces it with ‘I’m not sure but…’ rather than stating a hard fact, then I reckon there’d be some helpful support along quite quickly.
By the way, you’ll know this yourself cos I’ve seen you posting in the ‘old timer’ and ‘piccy’ forums, where folks aren’t so bothered about the things you’ve mentioned. Tell the guys to join in, cos their memories might very well add to the wealth of knowledge that we share. There’s no substitute for ‘old hands.’ :wink: :smiley:

Thanks Dave, hopefully some of these older fellows will read this and that they will get some encouragement from your post. I always think that it will be such a shame when some of them eventually pass away and their memories from the early days of the transport industry will be lost forever.

Regards Steve.

Thanks Dave, hopefully some of these older fellows will read this and that they will get some encouragement from your post. I always think that it will be such a shame when some of them eventually pass away and their memories from the early days of the transport industry will be lost forever.

Regards Steve.

My thoughts exactly mate. :smiley:

IMHO, their experience and knowledge would be a most welcome and precious asset to the forums. :smiley:


Thanks Dave, hopefully some of these older fellows will read this and that they will get some encouragement from your post. I always think that it will be such a shame when some of them eventually pass away and their memories from the early days of the transport industry will be lost forever.

Regards Steve.

My thoughts exactly mate. :smiley:

IMHO, their experience and knowledge would be a most welcome and precious asset to the forums. :smiley:

Not only that, but once these stories are written down, then others who may have been there can add details which might have been lost in the intervening years. With each detail added, other connected details come rushing back. You can always come back and refresh your memory of the story later on too :blush: