Lucky to be Alive

You’re lucky to be alive, but life is too short to be Victor Meldrewing letters to every company you have a near miss with.

…and for those that are calling me a liar(pics or it didn’t happen), chew on this.

Dear Mr Paul H,
Thank you for your remark. I would like to apologize because of our driver’s careless behaviour.
Our company will check up this incident and take the needed steps and the disciplinary process against the driver. Till that time I would say sorry again and I’ll get back to you with the answer.
Your sincerely,
Simon Péter
HR Business Partner

That’s not a picture; you just typed it.

I still say pics or it didn’t happen.

Rob K:

Never send a letter in anger… best to calm down, and think about and it, and word it professionally. If I was in the office at that company and received this - I would just ignore your comments.

When you send a complaint letter, read it from the point of view of the receiver - if you received it, what would you do?

No info, no times, no exact location, no truck ID - just looks like an anti-foreigner rant

I agree with all of this.

I agree with all of this. Sorry for the long reply, should have put “+1” :exclamation:

You would say that calling someone a “prick” ain’t being abusive? I suggest you walk down the street and the next person you see call him a “prick” and see if they don’t find it abusive :unamused: you may end up on yer arse.

nice one steve that would happen in my neck of woods, sir he;s hittin me what a ■■■■■■

where in the email is it abusive, calling someone a ‘prick’ isn’t abusive

Perhaps its different where you live but where im from calling someone a “prick” is generally considered to be abusive and in most cases will result in violent attack.

It is also not good etiquette to post up on a public forum a message Simon Péter may have sent to you personally.

Incidentally I notice that his message starts off…

Dear Mr Paul H,

Is that how you signed your message to him? Or have you abbreviated his reply to you yourself?

doesn’t the person who wrote the letter know how to spell “Untill”? a “Till” is what a cashier puts and takes money out of in a shop/supermarket etc. I think you have made said letter up :smiley:

contra flow: you must live on a different planet, how do you expect me to take pictures of an incident in progress or that has just happened, do you drive with a camera glued to your hand(you are basically calling me a liar which shows what you trully are).If so then I pity your driving skills, as for the message being typed, people you have s self rightious attitude here and it stinks. I will not post a complete message with all the persons details on this forum as yes it was private. Everything is fine unless it happens to you then we are all supposed to be sorry it happened to you but when it happens to someone else then they are a fair game. I suggest you all look in the mirror and see the reflection since you all seem to have a ‘halo’ above your heads. Stevebarnsleytrucker, you are beyond comments, I could say something but I won’t bother, people like you and the rest of this crowd have a place in this world and it flushes.

contra flow: you must live on a different planet, how do you expect me to take pictures of an incident in progress or that has just happened, do you drive with a camera glued to your hand(you are basically calling me a liar which shows what you trully are).If so then I pity your driving skills, as for the message being typed, people you have s self rightious attitude here and it stinks. I will not post a complete message with all the persons details on this forum as yes it was private. Everything is fine unless it happens to you then we are all supposed to be sorry it happened to you but when it happens to someone else then they are a fair game. I suggest you all look in the mirror and see the reflection since you all seem to have a ‘halo’ above your heads. Stevebarnsleytrucker, you are beyond comments, I could say something but I won’t bother, people like you and the rest of this crowd have a place in this world and it flushes.

Why are you STILL angry about something that happened 2 days ago? You have anger management issues and driving for a living is not for you if you can’t quickly put this kind of thing behind you within a few mins of it happening and move on. The Waberer driver made a mistake/poor judgement/didn’t see you in his blind spot/whatever. ■■■■ happens to us all at some point or another. No-one died or got injured. Get over it.

We have received letters asking for our assistance with their various projects- which start off with abuse about how crap we are on this particular issue (and it gets quite personal), and then beg that we should support them- they tend to go into “must look at when bored file”- any mail that contains abuse gets junked in the big round filing cabinet. instantly :laughing:

Any well thought out, reasoned and polite proposal gets looked at, and if it fits with our aims gets adopted, if it doesn’t we send a mail explaining why, on this second stage is where we tend to get the most abuse, and the next time they send a well thought out plan , we remember the abuse we got last time , and don’t bother going through stage one

The surprising thing to me, is that these folks want us to do something for them and think that using language and tones that are unacceptable on a business level is some how going to make us change our minds :unamused:
If you want to make a point, do not be controversial or use strong language, do not use derogatory terms, or it will be binned without as much as a second glance.

Being polite will get you a lot further - if the way you termed your note above had come to me, it would only have got my attention as long as it took to read it and then got junked

Was this errant lorry a left ■■■■■■ and or foreign registered.

Unfortunately you do have to expect such things from some, not all, of the foreigners.

Crap happens, i’ve made some daft mistakes in my past which could have resulted in problems if it wasn’t for the reactions of others or just lady luck smiling, and vice versa, i’ve made hundreds if not thousands of swift avoidance manoeuvers when others have cocked up, and will do both again before i hang me driving gloves up.

We’re non of us perfect, we all make mistakes, hopefully the geezer who nearly side swiped you will have learned from his.

edit, just reread your further explanation of the junction.

Did it not occur to you that matey might be in the wrong lane there, what were the chances johnny foreigner really was going to T5? especially as he was travelling in the outside of the two T5 laners if i read your post correctly.

See i try and put myself in their boots, if i was going round Warsaw ring road, if its got one, i wouldn’t have the foggiest bloody idea what lane i’d want to be in and i would expect professional Polish lorry drivers to realise i’m a bloody lost Brit and give me some room for a mistake or two in me lane control.

You get similar on the M6/m42 split going north, you find some of our own let alone the foreigners heading towards M42 and suddenly veer onto the M6 lane at the very last moment.

You as a professional should be on the lookout for tell tale signs of indecision from othe road users unfamiliar with your stomping ground, foreigner driving in the outside of the two left hand turn lanes should have given you reason to look out for him.


no mate go ahead and say what you want to say mate it wont bother me as I aint a grumpy ■■■■■■ like you :smiley: I let people on here disagree with my opinions as do other people on here accept others will disagree with what they put on here but you on the other hand cant seem to accept others will have a different viewpoint to you. Oh and the part about the toilet you know that stuff that comes out of your arse■■? You sir are full of it :smiley:


bald bloke:
And what exactly do you hope to achieve ? And why mention you drive for the UK’s largest hgv operator ?

Small willy syndrome ■■?

Very much small willy syndrome I think as his occupation on his profile is listed as class one driver, sometimes class two & never 7.5T

This will be my last post on this subject and on this board.

You people are really something else, all I have done is post here what happened to me and what I did, it happened a few days ago so by the looks everyone expected me to post straight away. Stop on the hard shoulder get the iPad out and never Mind the shock of had just happened just post away on this board, or better still take pictures, moronic suggestion. I have even civil(up to a point with some people) but being called a liar and accused of making up bonfide emails is just beyond me and I do not suffer fools easily. The board contains people who can’t read posts correctly and some if not most of you have your heads up your back sides so far you can’t smell the outside. All you can do is criticise others cal them names and give yourselves airs and graces.

Keep gracing yourselves and pray to god that you don’t get involved in anything because quite frankly I don’t give a ■■■■.

This will be my last post on this subject and on this board.

You people are really something else, all I have done is post here what happened to me and what I did, it happened a few days ago so by the looks everyone expected me to post straight away. Stop on the hard shoulder get the iPad out and never Mind the shock of had just happened just post away on this board, or better still take pictures, moronic suggestion. I have even civil(up to a point with some people) but being called a liar and accused of making up bonfide emails is just beyond me and I do not suffer fools easily. The board contains people who can’t read posts correctly and some if not most of you have your heads up your back sides so far you can’t smell the outside. All you can do is criticise others cal them names and give yourselves airs and graces.

Keep gracing yourselves and pray to god that you don’t get involved in anything because quite frankly I don’t give a ■■■■.

Wow, you have some serious issues. You can’t even answer simple questions and reason in a civilised manner so off you go then, cya.

This will be my last post on this subject and on this board.

You people are really something else, all I have done is post here what happened to me and what I did, it happened a few days ago so by the looks everyone expected me to post straight away. Stop on the hard shoulder get the iPad out and never Mind the shock of had just happened just post away on this board, or better still take pictures, moronic suggestion. I have even civil(up to a point with some people) but being called a liar and accused of making up bonfide emails is just beyond me and I do not suffer fools easily. The board contains people who can’t read posts correctly and some if not most of you have your heads up your back sides so far you can’t smell the outside. All you can do is criticise others cal them names and give yourselves airs and graces.

Keep gracing yourselves and pray to god that you don’t get involved in anything because quite frankly I don’t give a ■■■■.

That’s funny as it seems that’s all you have been doing in your last few replies on this subject. I feel you are one of those who likes to dish it out but can’t take it back. You even called the other driver who nearly took you out a “Prick” twice in the letter you wrote to the haulage company whom he drove for. Now I never said I didn’t belive what you have put what happened to you did not happen which you were very lucky to avoid with what you put, I just don’t belive you would have had a reply back to your letter you wrote as the way you wrote it was abusive and any manager worth his salt wouldn’t have gave it the time or day. As do a fair few others on here think.

It’s how you deal with problems/issues/dangers/incidents that marks you more than the incident.

You sir are a long way from handling it well. You have a right to be angry especially when you say it is life threatening (we weren’t there remember). Well you survived, put it in the ol’ grey mater, lesson learnt, move on.

Abusing us for having an opinion on how you handled it is poor form.

If only you started with “Had the fright of my life today, definitely one to remember”.

It makes so much better reading, we might even read it with the view of being a little sympathetic.

I’ll admit that I learnt from your incident, Foreign truck right hand lane on slip road will now always make me think watch! Watch, you never know.

Every day is a school day, stiff upper lip and keep it real TN, it’s a dangerous world out there :wink:

contra flow: you must live on a different planet, how do you expect me to take pictures of an incident in progress or that has just happened…

I don’t. I was referring to the reply you claim to have recieved from Warberer’s. If you want to add a bit of credibility to your story, post a screenshot. You can blank out any personal details.

The truth of the matter is; they didn’t reply to you. They probably only got a few lines into your bitterly offensive email with xenophobic undertones before pressing delete and forgetting all about it.

This thread has been an epic fail for you from the very start. Now you’ve spat your dummy out and ran away. :unamused:

Today I have sent this company my scaled down thoughts

To whom it may concern
One of your drivers almost killed me on Saturday 22 June 2013, this stupid clown cut in front of me when I was trying to overtake him, he was in a lane that was going in a different direction but he decided that he wanted to go straight on and cut in front of me crossing the point of no return, cross hatchings and the hard shoulder to get into my lane. At 55mph he would have killed me if I hadn’t stood on my brakes as his trailer would have wiped out my cab and me with it. This guy is a prick and other choice names I won’t publish. I do drive for a UK largest LGV fleet operator and my work has been informed also I have informed VOSA, Police and Highways Agency, keep pricks like him at home in Romania or wherever he drives. I have no desire to be killed by one of your drivers. … ment-11657

Cool story bro.