Low Rates on Class II

I know from their local reputation that this Co’ will never hit the top 10 of desirable outfits to work for . . . any port in a storm & all that bollox. But anyone willing to work on pallets, with a bit of general haulage thrown in to max out your 48hrs, for the grand sum of £6.90ph, needs to seek urgent medical help.

jobsearch.direct.gov.uk/GetJob. … ID=1626261

The bit about the meal allowance in particular troubles me. Is this some kind of pseudo directly employed, yet actually employed under an umbrella scam?

so you better call me an ambulance, lol

i get slightly more then this and turned down better jobs, the wage isnt all that counts to some people, i live in the sticks and work for a local co that i get to work in 5 mins, if i left, the nearest job i could get is about 20 mins drive away… ok not far but at the moment i dont need a second car as it would just be used for work, so an average saving of approx £35-£50 per week… then add up all the travelling time over a year… with an added plus that i am pretty much left alone to do the work, no hassle, i know where i am personally better off…

but whats the answer, uk guys dont apply for the jobs so polish ect do it and then folk moan cos of the amount of foreign drivers…

Nothing wrong with getting a meal allowance. Mobile workers are entitled to it but it has to be agreed with the inland revenue first.
I get a meal allowance and it is not a fiddle.

I think it’s a joke offering a wage like that for the responsibilities. However I have more respect for a man/women taking that job then one sat on there arse at home giving it the old I won’t get out off bed for less than £££££ an hour.

“…deliveries around the UK”

Must be a tramping gig, surely?

“…deliveries around the UK”

Must be a tramping gig, surely?

MBT would & does, pay his trampers less than this job offer !

so you better call me an ambulance, lol

i get slightly more then this and turned down better jobs, the wage isnt all that counts to some people, i live in the sticks and work for a local co that i get to work in 5 mins, if i left, the nearest job i could get is about 20 mins drive away… ok not far but at the moment i dont need a second car as it would just be used for work, so an average saving of approx £35-£50 per week… then add up all the travelling time over a year… with an added plus that i am pretty much left alone to do the work, no hassle, i know where i am personally better off…

but whats the answer, uk guys dont apply for the jobs so polish ect do it and then folk moan cos of the amount of foreign drivers…

When I drove rigids for knights of old my wage was 7.60, not the best but 5 minute drive and early start early finish so perfect for me. I completely agree about UK guys not applying then ■■■■■■■■ about “bloody foreigners taking our jobs” etc does my head in.

6.90 is a basic, it mentions over time and meal allowance. if it was local to me and there was nothing else i’d do this as it’s well above what ever gash they’re handing out on the dole. Besides isn’t there stuff you can claim if you’re on a low income, like Tax Credits or something

i applied to them before i read this post. They are one of my local haulage companies. They did not get back. Vehicles always look clean and fairly new. Never see them rushing. Ok the money is pants but i have no experiance so would suit me. Its better than agencies and more secure so its got to be a foot in the door for the less experienced.

There’s loads of class one work here paying the nat min wage of £6.19 ph :open_mouth:

…so it doesn’t matter if you’re driving an artic, rigid or an Astra van, the wages are all the same !!!

only reason i applied for a job is because it is down the road. I did not know about the pay as i sent a cv to them directly. I am going to start with direct sameday day and the money is better so i am happy and not too bothered but still think its a good way in. West transport is a little better so i am told

so you better call me an ambulance, lol

i get slightly more then this and turned down better jobs, the wage isnt all that counts to some people, i live in the sticks and work for a local co that i get to work in 5 mins, if i left, the nearest job i could get is about 20 mins drive away… ok not far but at the moment i dont need a second car as it would just be used for work, so an average saving of approx £35-£50 per week… then add up all the travelling time over a year… with an added plus that i am pretty much left alone to do the work, no hassle, i know where i am personally better off…

but whats the answer, uk guys dont apply for the jobs so polish ect do it and then folk moan cos of the amount of foreign drivers…

Lot of sense in that. My late dad used to say that having a good job was worth twenty quid a week; by which he meant if your longer-term future was secure, you were happy with the conditions, your workmates and your boss, you wouldn’t mind earning a bit less.

I’ve come across blokes before who change jobs at the drop of a hat just for the sake of a few pence extra on the hourly rate. Never yet met one who was satisfied with his lot, in fact they were usually the biggest whingers of all.

Nothing wrong with getting a meal allowance. Mobile workers are entitled to it but it has to be agreed with the inland revenue first.
I get a meal allowance and it is not a fiddle.

I think we’re talking about the concept of a meal allowance that’s somehow incorporated into your basic pay - at minimum wage.
Thus, the job itself is actually below minimum wage, but made up to £6.20ph once the meal allowance is included.
This practice has been going on in the hotel industry for quite some time already. :wink:
There’s not a lot of political will right now to keep the common people happy, so I reckon such practices are here to stay until enough people work out just how much they are being fiddled, and walk away. That doesn’t send any suits to jail, but it will polarise the workforce towards certain “safe havens” in the various industries - eventually. :frowning:

Perhaps the determined skinflint firm of the future will keep costs down by only opening new depots across the street from sink estates…
There’s few that “can’t afford to work” if the workplace is across the street from where you live eh?
By this point, the wages of the entire public will be minimum of course…

Just who are these people that can pay cash for 4x4s, never seem to be in debt, and yet are not known to work in a well-paid industry?

I think it’s a joke offering a wage like that for the responsibilities. However I have more respect for a man/women taking that job then one sat on there arse at home giving it the old I won’t get out off bed for less than £££££ an hour.

I don’t - People sucking in jobs like that is the main reason for the wages STAYING low.

Think about it another way:
If the price of your personal prosperity was seeing some workshy bod across the street with his curtains closed all day, busying himself with nowt to do but watch daytime TV, go down the pub, and wet himself etc etc., then would you REALLY say “Hey, I’d like to see my wages halved if it means getting that lazy git out of bed for a job you’ve created out of half my wages!”

Live and let live. I don’t give a hoot what others are getting away with, providing I’m better off in my own jobs by this time next year compared to now - and on a continuing upward curve after next year as well! :sunglasses:
I prefer seeing the workshy OUT of the workplace, where they’d only get in the way, make trouble for the regular staff, and wind the boss up so he ends up sacking one of the regulars just to take it out on someone… I don’t agree with pushing workshy into “any old place”. Boot camp would be more appropriate, but we don’t have any of those, so why not just leave 'em at home, and cut their benefits, which is supposed to be what’s happening right now isn’t it? :confused:


Nothing wrong with getting a meal allowance. Mobile workers are entitled to it but it has to be agreed with the inland revenue first.
I get a meal allowance and it is not a fiddle.

I think we’re talking about the concept of a meal allowance that’s somehow incorporated into your basic pay - at minimum wage.
Thus, the job itself is actually below minimum wage, but made up to £6.20ph once the meal allowance is included.
This practice has been going on in the hotel industry for quite some time already. :wink:
There’s not a lot of political will right now to keep the common people happy, so I reckon such practices are here to stay until enough people work out just how much they are being fiddled, and walk away. That doesn’t send any suits to jail, but it will polarise the workforce towards certain “safe havens” in the various industries - eventually. :frowning:

And yet I would’ve thought you’d get £6.90 then a meal allowance, maybe it’s me?