Low emissions eh?

Farce of the ‘green’ Olympics taxis being transported 130 miles by lorry just to be refuelled
Hydrogen-fuelled cabs taken from London to Swindon

Read more: dailymail.co.uk/news/article … z22KhwFRYT

:laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: Euro havin a LEZ aint ya :grimacing:

The figures look even worse when you factor in the 50 kilowatt/hours of electricity needed to produce a kg of hydrogen which gets the thing less than 70 miles.Then factor in the missing road fuel duty/VAT on the costs of the electricity. :open_mouth: :smiling_imp:

That seems mad as we have some hydrogen powered busses in London. Obviously I know it’s not as simple as poping in to your local petrol station but it must have been possible to do something in conjunction with TFL.
I know mr petrol head will give us a ten page lecture now on how petrol is the future we should re take the middle east it’s all thatcher and Harold wilsons fault but the fact remains we have to look at alternatives to oil for the long term.
Admittedly the energey used to make hydrogen is massive but we have seen it is feed able to run vehicles on it so it’s got to be worth looking at.

they could bring the hydrogen to london on a truck. the same way as it gets to the filling station.
too simple that one.

That seems mad as we have some hydrogen powered busses in London. Obviously I know it’s not as simple as poping in to your local petrol station but it must have been possible to do something in conjunction with TFL.
I know mr petrol head will give us a ten page lecture now on how petrol is the future we should re take the middle east it’s all thatcher and Harold wilsons fault but the fact remains we have to look at alternatives to oil for the long term.
Admittedly the energey used to make hydrogen is massive but we have seen it is feed able to run vehicles on it so it’s got to be worth looking at.

You’ve been spending too long in that place listening to that pc anti road transport bs.While there’s planes flying using jet engines then obviously oil and bio fuels are still going to be the way forward.They can’t use electric fuel cells to power planes,because there’s not an electric motor/s that would be light enough to provide the required power output,nor hydrogen fuelled jet engines because the result would probably be a modern day Hindenburg type scenario but ten tines worse. :open_mouth:

According to all those anti road transport GLA officials investment and growth in air transport capacity needs to be increased and there obviously therefore doesn’t seem to be any problems with fossil/bio fuel supplies in the case of aircraft.It’s all just a load of double standards bs.The fact is if we’re running out of oil then it would be stupid to be calling for more investment in the air transport industry because it would be chucking money down the drain being that the industry is massively dependent on the future of fossil fuel for it’s future survival. :bulb:

They’d be far better off re opening the mines and investing in coal drived GTL and synthetic oil from coal and adding that to bio fuel supplies than wasting money on hydrogen powered vehicles.Which is probably exactly what the air transport industry sees as the future for it’s fuel supplies and it wouldn’t be any surprise if one of the reasons,for the closure of the mines and calls for non fossil fuelled powered road vehicles,was/is to provide a long term future and safeguard for investment in the British air transport industry,at the expense of everyone else who wants to carry on using ‘proper’ fossil fuelled road vehicles. :imp: :unamused: :bulb:

[it wouldn’t be any surprise if one of the reasons,for the closure of the mines and calls for non fossil fuelled powered road vehicles,was/is to provide a long term future and safeguard for investment in the British air transport industry,at the expense of everyone else who wants to carry on using ‘proper’ fossil fuelled road vehicles. :imp: :unamused: :bulb:

I think it was a political idioligy thing, and revenge over the trouble caused to the Heath government which Thatcher was a part of.

I do agree that the coal fields will at one point be mined in a large scale way again, had this debate with an ex miner years ago, he would not have it that they would start mining diused fields again too expensive he reckoned , at that time oil was about $25 a barrel, I confidently predicted that when it was over $100 a barrel it would start looking viable, oh well maybe $200 a barrel :wink: