
Had a message to say I had a pm when I check it wasnt there no new massages

Had a message to say I had a pm when I check it wasnt there no new massages

Can happen if the sender has deleted the message for whatever reason


Had a message to say I had a pm when I check it wasnt there no new massages

Can happen if the sender has deleted the message for whatever reason

I’ll get on here find a message read digest and delete sometimes then hours and hours sometimes the next day I’ll get an e-mail saying message from trucknet to find nothing its the syatem catching up even though I’ve already had the message :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Had a message to say I had a pm when I check it wasnt there no new massages

I’ve had that too, it does happen sometimes. :frowning:

:open_mouth: I’m surprised that ROG didn’t spot this:

Had a message to say I had a pm when I check it wasnt there no new massages

:sunglasses: However, I’ll refrain from commenting…:grimacing:

Had a message to say I had a pm when I check it wasnt there no new massages

That might happen if you have already read a pm whilst logged in, then log out an go off elsewhere. Even though you’ve read it you’ll still get a reminder saying you’ve got a pm by email.

But I didnt read it or delete it :cry:

I can only guess someone sent you one then decided to delete it.

I wonder if we’ll get the body of a pm sent with the notification on this site in the future ?

But I didnt read it or delete it :cry:

They deleted it from their out box before you got it.

:open_mouth: I’m surprised that ROG didn’t spot this:

Had a message to say I had a pm when I check it wasnt there no new massages

:sunglasses: However, I’ll refrain from commenting…:grimacing:

I didn’t want to RUB it in :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: